25. Too Close For Comfort

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3rd Person POV

Eren's and Reiner's titans are both falling to the ground, as Eren had transformed in Reiner's hand and burst out of it. Eren rears his fist back and sends it forward, connecting it with Reiner's face. Reiner's face is pushed into the Wall, before the two hit the ground, and create a dust cloud, whilst also gaining some distance between them.

Mikasa, who was hooked to the Wall, watches the armoured and the colossal, as Y/N grapples next to her and joins her side, albeit, a bit agitated.

Y/N: "Hey, Mikasa! What was that!?! You couldn't cut their heads off!"

Mikasa: "I know that! It's just-"

Y/N: "I don't care if they're old comrades or not! That was our only chance! Now, we gotta deal with this!"

Y/N shifts his gaze to the two titans below him, and Mikasa does the same. The dust cloud clears to reveal both Eren and Reiner.

Their attention is diverted by the sound of something crashing against the Wall, on the top. Y/N turns and observes the Scouts jumping off from the Wall and engaging their gear.

Y/N: 'That bastard must've swung his fist. If so, then Hange's squad is on the other side of the Wall.'

His thoughts are cut off by the colossal titan suddenly emitting a ton of steam around itself, and creating a sort of barrier.

Mikasa: "What's that?"

Y/N: "Stay here. I need to check up with Hange."

She nods, as Y/N shoots his hook to the top of the Wall, before grappling up. He grabs a hold of the edge and climbs up before running over to where Hange and the fourth squad are.

Y/N: "Hange! What the hell just happened? Are you okay?"

Hange: "We're fine, but Bertholdt ate Ymir and another scout. We tried attacking him, but that steam is too hot and has a lot of pressure. It blew our hooks right away."

Y/N: "So, now what? It doesn't seem like there's much we can do."

Hange: "We wait."

Hange then turns to her squad and walks towards them.

Hange: "Squads three and four, take position behind the target. Rashad has command! Squad two will wait here. Lauda has command."

Lauda: "Understood!"

Hange: "It's yet to be seen how long he can keep his body burning, but eventually he'll have to come out. We wait for that moment to attack."

She turns her head towards Armin, who's behind her and to her right, while Y/N is to the left.

Hange: "Listen up! Forget about capturing them. We'll kill them right here."

Armin's eyes widen in shock, as the words that leave Hange's mouth are like a poison to him.

Hange: "Squad One! Follow me! We've got a date with the Armoured Titan!"

Hange and some other soldiers engage their gear and descend down the side of the Wall where Eren and Reiner are, whilst Armin is left standing there. That is, until Y/N brings him out of his state of shock.

Y/N: "Armin, don't think about it too hard. They're traitors. They've killed innocent people. They don't deserve mercy. Now, come on. We have a job to finish."

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