29. Old Acquaintances

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A/N: Before we begin, I'd like to thank you all for the continuous support and words of appreciation. I hope that you enjoy what I have planned for this story. So, without further delay, welcome to Season 3 of "The Devil's Adherent"!


3rd Person POV


Quite a recognizable sound that can be produced in a vast variety of methods.

But, most commonly associated with a drop of a liquid splashing against a surface. In this case, that liquid is water.

Hear it enough times, with the interval between each sound decreasing, and you probably realize that there has been a change in the environment.

That it has started to rain.

At the moment, this very natural event is taking place, as several drops of water collide against an apartment window, generating that same sound over and over again.

Peering inside, the scene appears to be quite grim and violent, as are most things in this cruel world.

A cloaked figure stands in the middle of the room, with several blood stains lining his white uniform shirt and even a blood trail leading down to his right hand.

Upon examining the hand, the figure appears to be clenching a bloodied dagger, and quite fiercely at that.

However, it would seem as though the crimson liquid does not belong to him, as following the blood dripping from his blade, two bodies can be seen lying face-down at his feet.

The bodies are of two men, wearing civilian clothes with one of the men having his throat slit open, whilst the other has several punctures in his abdominal region. At first glance, it would appear as though two innocent men have been murdered, but not everything is as it seems.

One of the bodies is holding a pair of pliers, with an extreme level of blood at the tips. Not far off, a small number of nails that have been brutally torn off of their owner's fingers adorn the ground.

These nails belong to the third and last body in the room. Seated atop a wooden chair, is a slumped figure, with his hands and feet tied down.

Analyzing the figure's hands, it's revealed that all ten nails have been harshly removed, and scattered throughout the room. Trailing up the dead man's body, there's several bruises around his face and a back eye is also present.

It's quite obvious that the bound man did not receive an easy death, and as his cold, lifeless pupils stare at the ground, the person can be identified as someone that has been heard of before.

Pastor Nick. The once loyal and incredibly devoted man to a hidden power has been slain, despite not appearing to be in any direct danger whatsoever.

It seems like someone would rather have him silenced and never speak again.

The aforementioned hooded figure stares at Nick's dead body for a few more seconds, before sighing out in annoyance and placing a hand over his eyes.

???????: "Damn.......Looks like I was too late. Well, I guess I'll just have to find another one."

Devil's Adherent (Female!Levi X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now