21. Bloody Stohess

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3rd Person POV

Stohess District-Two Days Later

Within the bustling confines of Wall Sina, tensions appear to be running high as this day marks the inevitable date that the Survey Corps command, and Eren, would pass through the Stohess District-to get to the capital of Mitras, for the Royal Government's hearing regarding the titan shifter.

But if this were up to these lavish people, Eren's head would already be rolling.

It's no surprise that the general populace of Wall Sina, that being the elite citizens of the upper class and nobility, still hold the same opinions and ideals as before when it comes to the topic of Eren Yeager.

They want nothing more than for him to be dissected for his hybrid nature, yet they consider him no greater a threat than any other mindless titan.

Naturally, due to the volatility of the entire situation, the Military Police has been given the duty of providing safe passage to the Survey Corps, until they reach the gates of the Capital.

Ironic, considering where the real threat looms.

Regardless, at around midday, the gate of Stohess rises to reveal a decent column of several, discreet horse carriages, with Nile Dok-the commander of the Military Police-at the front of it all.

As the convoy begins to pass through the gate of Stohess, multiple Military Police personnel remain lined up on both sides of the road-watching as the rotating wheels carry their unnamed VIP's into the main district.

Amongst these very same gazing troops is a certain Annie Leonhardt, whose cunning eyes remain ever fixated at the passing by the carriages.

The same people who she had slaughtered mercilessly two days prior were now in front of her again. This time, she had to protect them.

Life has a funny way of working things out, doesn't it?

Once the carriages have traversed enough and become another part of the background, the soldiers of the Military Police start trailing after them-their watchful patrol having officially begun as they too begin to blend in with the scenery.

Annie, who's definitely behind everyone else, does the same, and is about to completely sprint off, but an eerily familiar voice from a nearby alleyway prevents her from doing so. It's enough to paralyze her in place, really.

Armin: "Annie!"

The blonde girl in question stops right there in her tracks, daring to not move a single muscle,

before turning towards the origin of the sound shortly afterwards-doing so quite hesitantly. Hearing that same voice after so long? Her mind is surely playing tricks on her.

Is what the girl would wish to blissfully believe.

Upon falling victim to the ploys of her own curiosity, Annie rushes over to the origin of the sound and after immediately turning the corner into the alleyway, she's met with the expression of the one individual she wished not to meet this day. Or any other day, for that matter.

Devil's Adherent (Female!Levi X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now