11. A Courtroom Ordeal

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Your POV

After all that necessary yet uneventful talk and dance, we let the kid rest and went about our own business for the remainder of the day. It would appear that turning into a fifteen meter titan puts a great amount of burden on the body, which is evident from the fact that Eren was asleep for two whole days.

And in those very days, all Hell broke loose within the Walls as the news of an ally titan quickly spread like a wildfire, mainly due to the fact that the military didn't try to hide it at all. In the end, people would have found out eventually since it's not easy to conceal a titan within the Walls, so it's better to deal with the troubles that such a discovery entails now than later.

Regardless, at the moment, the morning of a brand new day is here, and so are all of my headaches. It's a shame that I can't go back to sleep, since I won't have to witness or take part in something complicated like this situation, in such a blissful state of unconsciousness. But, duty calls, I suppose.

First thing that I find out after waking up is that there are varying responses to the revelation of Eren Yeager's powers, with two main viewpoints. The first is that of the interior government and the people within Wall Sina, who view Eren as a threat and a thing which needs to be eliminated at once. The other standpoint is that of the people within Wall Rose, who view Eren as the saviour of Humanity, and someone who will enable us to take back Wall Maria from the titans.

Obviously, the Survey Corps believes in the latter standpoint and is ready to fight tooth and nail for the custody of Eren. Though, the same can be said about the Military Police, unfortunately.

Understandably, all of these thoughts bring me back to Erwin's grand conclusion yesterday-the armoured titan and the colossal titan are similar to Eren, in principle.

From what I've heard thus far, the colossal titan attacked Trost shortly after the Survey Corps left, and there was no appearance of the armoured titan. As if it was all planned out, which can only lead me to a single conclusion.

Those titans are most likely blending in with us, probably amongst the military, since that way, they would have the greatest strategic knowledge of any operations, regardless of rank. I'll have to keep an eye on everyone, now. The only people that can be trusted are Erwin, Levi, Hange, and all the other veterans of the Survey Corps, who've been through the hell of the expeditions alongside me from the very beginning, and were present on the expedition that took part that day.

But, enough speculations. I should get prepared for the courtroom meeting. Erwin has little hope that the Survey Corps can actually win the case, but he believes that he can put forward a proposal, which should give us an edge and hopefully win over the possession of Eren.

Right now, Commander Eyebrows is nowhere to be seen around the base. He's most likely at Trost, talking to Pixis, about whatever it is commanders discuss. If that's the case then I should get ready since there isn't much time left now. Hange's already been told to get the boy when it's time.


After a few hours pass, in the duration of which nothing interesting takes place, I stand within the respectable and typical courtroom, alongside Levi and Erwin. The three of us, and pretty much everyone else present, are still waiting for the arrival of the titan boy, so that this trial can finally get underway. However, he should definitely be with us soon since Hange and Miche went to get him.

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