chapter 4-homework help

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[This chapter is a bit rushed just a warning.]

❤Maki pov🖤

I couldn't focus. I was to scared. This afternoon I was going to kaedes house then after that going to the movies together! Kaito didn't say how overwhelming this would be. "Maki are you okay? You've been really quiet and you haven't written anything down. We have a test next week you need to learn this" tsumugi said. "I'm fine. Just really worried." I said. "Huh? Why?" She said worried. "Its.. complicated." "Hey I'm here for you!" She said encouragingly. "I.. okay fine. Kaede asked me to go to her house to help out with homework. I dont know what to wear I'm scared it'll be weird." "Ohhhh Just wear something casual. And dont be scared. This is your chance just like kaito said!" "...okay.. thank you tsumugi." "No problem! Remember I'm here for you if you wanna talk. In fact, when it's done come over to my house and tell me how it went!" "Oh okay I will!" I said excitedly. Me and tsumugi had been good friends ever since middle school. She's always helped me out with situations like this.

-random time skip lol-

Okay. Here I am at her doorstep. I wore a red sweater with a black skirt and black stockings (lol idk outfit stuff I dont really care how I look) I brought my hand up to her door and knocked three times. After about a minute she opened the door and I heard a kid crying. "Sorry maki! Come in please dont mind the mess." I nodded and stepped in. Her house had toys all over the floor I looked up and saw a girl who looked just like kaede, trying to calm a little kid. "Cmon follow me" she said in a whisper. I followed her to her room. It was much nicer then the rest of her house. "I'm so sorry about that! My little brother had a fit right before you got here." (this is an au if its incorrect please dont attack me-) "oh it's fine"  "here! Come over here" she directed me to her desk and pulled up a spare chair. "Sorry I dont have another office chair." She said apologetically. "Nono it's okay!" I said happily. Being honest I was just excited to be in her house, i didn't care if it wasn't a mansion. "Which assignment do you need help with?" I said sitting down trying to keep my cool. I was very close to just flopping down on her bed, it looks so comfortable. "Ah! Well here." She opened her computer.

-2 hour time skip because no one wanna read about chemistry in a fanfic-

"That's all of it!" Kaede said happily stretching back in her chair. "Thanks for helping me out maki!" "You're welcome." I said. She smiled at me. My face heated up a bit and I looked away. "What do you wanna do now?" She asked. "Huh? I dont know.." I said. "We could play a game.. read a book... watch something.. you can go home of you want to though!" "I dont want to bother you so I'll go-" "hey you dont gotta go! My mom wont be home till 7 so we have time." She said. "O-oh okay" "do you want something to eat?" "Sure if it's no bother" I said trying to expand the conversation. I didn't care what I had to do I wanted to talk to her longer. "Alright cmon!" She said as she got out of her seat. I followed her and she directed me to the kitchen. I noticed that the toys and stuff on the floor weren't cleaned. I'm kind of a neat freak so this bothered me. "What do you want? We have sandwiches, [insert more food here]." "Uhm I'll just have a sandwich. "What kind?" She asked. "Peanut butter and jelly?" "Alright!" She got out the stuff and started making it. I looked back at the messy room and started picking stuff up. Normally I wouldn't be bold enough to do something like this but it was really bothering me.
After about three minutes I was done cleaning. Suddenly I heard a small cry. It was coming from a different room. I decided to go check it out just in case. I walked in a saw the little kid kaede was talking about earlier. He was in the crib silently crying. I walked up to him and looked at him, he looked at me with a scared face. I walked over to the shelf next to the crib and grabbed a toy, then walked back over and handed him it. He looked happier. After a while kaede walked in the room. "There you are maki! I didn't know were you went I was worried." "A-ah sorry.." I said. I hadn't realized where I was I was kind of focused on the kid for a bit. She walked over and saw how happy her brother was. "You're really good with kids for the ultimate assassin. I haven't seen him this happy in a while!" "Yeah I guess I am.." I said quietly. "Damn.. I have a music concert this week and no one to watch him. I need to hire another babysitter.." she said quietly. "I can babysit him!" "Wait really?" She said hopefully. "Yeah I want to see your performance though.. maybe I could watch him while you preform?" I suggested. "That sounds great maki! Thank you so much!!" She grabbed my hand in hers and smiled. My face flushed and I looked down. "N-no problem.." she pulled away and looked at her brother. "His name is ryoto by the way!" "Oh I see" I looked up at the clock. "I'll start heading home now." "Oh okay! Make sure you have everything!" "I didn't bring anything though." "Oh.. oops-" I giggled a bit as I walked up to the door. She followed. "Thank you for letting me stay over. I appreciate it." "No problemo! And thank you for all your help. You've improved my life alot!" I blushed at this. "O-okay I'll see you tomorrow at school.." I said as I opened the door. "Ah okay!" As I walked away I saw her waving from the doorway. I waved back and smiled as I started walking to tsumugi's house, maybe I actually do have a chance.

Then I realized I never ate my sandwich

Word count:1093

OMG THIS WAS SO LONG BUT SO FUN TO WRITEEEEEEEEEEE okay I know I said the chapters would be shorter but like scratch that this is fun as hell. I hope you liked this chapter I'll cya next time!

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