chapter 12-preformance date

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"Maki! C'mere!" I heard kaede say. She was spending the day at my apartment. I got up and walked over to the front door, she was standing there reading a newspaper clipping.

"What Is it kaede?" I asked as I got over there. "Look look!" She said happily and shoved the paper in my face. From the 2 seconds I got to read it I was able to make out the words 'piano performance' "Maki can we go pleaseeee????" She said excitedly. "Who'll watch ryoto?" I asked. Her sister was going to her friends house, her mom was out of town and fuyuhiko was God knows where. "Oh uh..." she said her smile fading. I thought for a moment. "I'll ask Kokichi he seems to like ryoto." I suggested. "Good idea! But he should bring some other people, he kinda needs to be babysitted too.." "I'll see who's available" I said bringing out phone "okay!" She said happily.

-time skip-
Kaede pov

"Kokichi.. whyd you bring Miu Kiibo rantaro AND tenko with you..?" I asked looking out the Door where they where standing. "Weeeell at first it was just rantaro but he invited Kiibo who then Miu invited herself in and then tenko just has nothing else to do." "Hey I do! I could be with himiko right now.." tenko said off in her own world. "Okay well good luck you.. 5" I said as I walked out to go meet up with Maki. I hope ryoto will be okay..

I walked to makis house and picked her up, we took the subway there, it was way more crowded then we anticipated. "God I can barely see anything.." Maki said angrily. "The seats we have are in the third row I believe, hopefully it's not as bad over there!" I said enthusiastically. She smiled. We found our seats and waited for it to start.

-time skip again lol-

"That was amazing!!" Kaede said looking up at the sky as we walked home. "Mhm." I said contently. The walk home from the subway wasn't long, we made it back home within 5 minutes. Kaede turned to me just before I entered my apartment. "Is something wrong?" I asked looking up at her. She smiled and kissed my forehead. I turned red and looked down. She giggled, "goodnight maki." She said ruffling my hair a bit and walking away. I nodded and stepped inside my apartment, the minute I closed my door I exploded with joy.

-kaede pov-

I smiled while I was walking home, Still surprised all of this happened. As I walked up to my door I heard a crash, my smile faded as I pulled my key out a quickly unlocked the door.

As soon as I did I saw kiibo on the floor with Miu stepping on him, Kokichi getting dragged out of the kitchen by tenko and rantaro doing his best to keep ryoto happy.

"My lord what happened?!" I asked rushing over and grabbing ryoto. "I'm so sorry kaede Kokichi tried to cook and ended up melting one of your pots and I have no idea what happened with Miu and kiibo.." rantaro said picking up the floor as soon as ryoto was out of his arms. I sighed. The pot was on the floor of the kitchen. "Oh that's fine I never liked that one anyways, gotta use some weird sponge to clean it"

I said trying to reassure him.
He sighed in relief, "I can pay for it-" "nono don't worry it's fine!" I interrupted him.

From that point on rantaro Kokichi and tenko helped clean the house while I put ryoto to sleep, kiibo kinda passed out and Miu was trying to repair him. The house was back to normal within 10 minutes.
"Thank you guys! I appreciate you.. helping me out" I said. Tenko was bowing while apologizing over and over, kiibo was barely awake, Miu was carrying him, rantaro was holding Kokichi making sure he didn't do anything else. Tenko got up after around 15 more apologizes, apologized one more time, grabbed Kokichi by the hair and left. Miu waved and left to go "help" kiibo again. (Sorry not sorry) rantaro left the last, making sure everything was clean. I sighed and flopped on my bed. "I know now I'll never let them babysit.." suddenly my phone started ringing, it was maki! I answered. "Hey whats up?" I asked "hi.. I cant sleep can we just talk a bit?" She asked shyly. "Of course!" I replied happily.


WOOO that was a long fanfic, ty all for tuning in! I might make some other chapters for like extras if yall want but other then that I'm pretty done with writing this. Imma probably make a oumami fanfic next, so go check it out! Thanks cya later!

 Imma probably make a oumami fanfic next, so go check it out! Thanks cya later!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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