chapter 8-sleepover

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Maki pov

"You and kaede have been hanging out at school alot more.. did you take that step I told you to take??" I heard kaito say beside me. "No.. not exactly I guess." I answered. "What are you guys talking about?" Shuichi asked "well maki over here has a crush on kae-" I quickly interrupted him. "N-NO I DONT DONT LISTEN TO HIM SHUICHI!!" I could feel my face heating up. "Ah, I see that makes more sense, you do spend alot of time with her" shuichi said. "H-huh? WAIT NO-" "yeah! I think shes finally learning how to talk to her!" Kaito interrupted. "Oh it's okay maki, I wont tell anyone." Shuichi promised. I let out a sigh of relief "thank you.." "yeah thanks hun!" Kaito said "y-yeah.." shuichi blushed at kaitos words. I feel like such a third wheel damn. Then I remembered something. "OH MY GOD I HAVE A SLEEPOVER WITH KAEDE TONIGHT IT COMPLETELY CROSSED MY MIND" I nearly screamed in realization. "Huh? Well what are you waiting for! Go get ready!" Kaito encouraged. "Yeah good luck!" Shuichi said after. I nodded and quickly ran towards my house. "God I'm so dumb how could I forget!" I said as I bursted through the door to my room and started packing. What do I need to bring? Pajamas.. toothbrush.. etc. Once I was done I started on my way to kaedes house. I knocked on her door and she opened it. "Hey maki! Come on in!" "Sorry I'm late" I said as I stepped into her house. "Nono its Alright!" She said. Her house was alot cleaner then last time. "Hey mom this is maki! Shes gonna spend the night here okay?" I heard kaede say. I looked over where she was looking and saw a lady lying on the couch watching TV. "Nice to meet you maki make yourself at home!" She said sitting up and waving. I waved back. "Cmon over here!" Kaede said as she skipped over to her room. Her house was very lively and welcoming. Her sister was playing with her little brother, her mom was watching tv, it was really warm and nice. Nothing like my house.. cold and empty.. oh well. I walked with kaede "your mom is really chill about you having a sleepover, mine probably would have freaked out" I said trying to start conversation. "Yeah.. shes kinda too laid back sometimes." She giggled a bit. "You can set your bag down anywhere, I'm gonna get some cookies okay?" She said as she started walking out. I nodded. I sat down on the floor and put my bag next to me, trying to take up as least space as possible. I wanted to call my mom again, she hadn't responded to my texts about spending the night at a friend's house. But then again she never really does so I'm not suprised. Kaede walked back in with a tray of cookies and two glasses of milk. "Here help yourself! She said as she put it on the tray table next to me. "Ah thank you" I said standing up. "What do you wanna do? We can watch a movie or a show, go outside, or just sit here and talk!" I thought for a moment. If we just sat here and talked it would probably just be an awkward silence.. I dont want to go outside.. it reminds me of my cold house.. I dont wanna leave here.. "can we watch a movie?" I asked "sure! We can also watch a show, anything come to mind?" "Anything's okay with me." I answered "Alrighty!"

-small time skip again-

I was sitting next to kaede on her bed watching a movie. I was sitting while holding my legs trying to take up as least space as possible again while kaede munched on popcorn next to me. I really wanted to sit closer to her, but my face was already red enough just sitting on her bed. I looked up at the clock, it was 8 pm. I had only been here for thirty minutes yet it felt like a day, I didn't want to leave though. I wanted to stay in this warm welcoming house forever. "Hey maki are you uncomfortable?" Kaede asked. "Huh? Oh n-no I'm not dont worry!" I answered quickly. She looked suspiciously at me. "Are you sure?" "Yeah" "Poooositive??" "Yes!" "Alright as long as your okay! Tell me if you're hungry or anything" She said and turned back to the movie as I nodded. I suddenly felt my phone buzz in my pocket. "Ah.. my moms calling me I'll be right back!" I said forcing myself to get up, "oh okay!" She said. I walked outside, the warm feeling I had before disappeared as I answered the call. "Hello?" I said "maki I'm *hic* gonna be gone for *hic* another week okay?? So *hic* stay at your friends house or something." Then she hung up. I sighed. I felt a small tear run down my face, she was drunk again, she always was, she was never home anymore, she did still pay the bills but just barely. I wiped my face off and went back inside. I walked back into kaedes room and sat back down, Trying not to show my face. I dug my nail into my knee trying to stop myself from crying. "Hey.. maki..?" I heard her say. "Yes?" I said without looking up. She said nothing. I suddenly felt myself being pulled into her lap. I looked up, she had put my head on her chest and started rubbing my back. I usually would be flustered but I was to sad. I started quietly crying. She started rocking back in fourth. "Its okay. Its gonna be okay. You're safe." She comforted me. After about 5 minutes I calmed down and lifted my head up. "Can you tell me now?" She asked. "Yeah.." I explained about my mom and how shes never home and how much I love her house because it's so warm. "Ah.. I see.. I'm really sorry to hear that maki" "also.. shes said shes gonna be gone for a while and she told to just stay at a friend's house or something.. but I have to take care of out cat and.. I just.." I put my face in my hands. I felt her hand around my back as she pulled me into a hug. "You can stay here until she comes back. We'll go to your house to take care of your cat, if you want we can take it over here in the meantime." I felt my lip quiver a bit. I hugged her tightly. "T-thank you.. r-really." She giggled and patted my back. I let go of her, "here cmon" she said as she got off the bed, I followed her. She walked out into the living room and cleared her throat. "Ahem... WHO WANTS SOME OF SISTER KAEDES FAMOUS CHOCOLATE CAKE?" She announced. "MEE!" ryoto screamed, "oo me!" Her sister said, someone I've never heard before also yelled "SAVE ME SOME" "dont forget me!" Her mom said. She giggled. "Alright! Cmon maki!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen. The kitchen smelled like cinnamon, it was very pleasant. "Wanna help me make this?" She asked. "Uh sure! But who was that..?" I asked looking back in the living room to where the sound came from, a dark hallway the opposite of kaedes room. "Oh that's my brother, he barely ever goes outside because of mafia stuff or something. He acts tough but dont belive it. You can call him fuyuhiko" she answered as she started getting baking materials out. "Ah okay!"

Word count: 1312

Okay woah jeez this was long but it was fun! Cya next time peeps!

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