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Jamiah Pov

3 months later /3:40pm/

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3 months later /3:40pm/

I was getting dressed. Kiara was leaving so I would going to follow her to see where she go. I finished getting dressed , I had already told D'Asia that I was going to follow her. I turned my location. I grabbed my keys and walked out the house , to my car. I sat in my car until Kiara pulled off. I I started following her discreetly.

The drive was a 1 and 40 something minutes like damn. She pulled up to this house , I parked two houses down. I watched and moe came out the house n she hugged & kissed him. Wooow this bitch fucking with the ooop. I had saved the address then I put in the gps for the house. I started driving back to the house.

I made it to the house , I got out the and I unlocked the door. I went to D'Asia room , she was sitting on her bed.

"Yeah she fw moe so she had to help him fake his death or something ". I said
"I'm still not understanding why". D'Asia said
"Me to ". I said

She had looked at her phone and got a notification from her bank.

"Somebody tried to take 50,000 out my bank account check yo shit to". She said
"Bitch 50,000? ". I said
"Yes ". She said

I look at my phone and somebody tried to take 75,000.

"Bitch let me find out it's Kiara. But I changed all my shit just in case she tried to do this shit". I said
"I did to but This shit is crazy , I've been thinking about this shit for months why tf why do to her ass". She said
"You know moe never likes us so he broke stupid ass came up with this damn ass plan and I'm finna go lit both they ass up fr". I said
"Fuck I can't ". She said
"Girl fuck them kids". I said
"Bitch Shutup ". She said laughing

I walked out her room , went to my safe and put my code in and my gun and some of my money was gone .

"D'ASIA ! You seen my gun?". I said
"NO! She took yo gun to?". She yelled back.
"Hell yeah, this bitch took some of my money check yo shit to this bitch outta hea ". I said

I tried calling her phone but she didn't answer. I went to Kiara room and started packing her shit. I grabbed my phone , I called Kiara again while I packed her shit. D'Asia came in and started packing her shit to.

Kiara Pov

Kiara Pov

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