008: Let's do it!

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Can he not understand my sarcasm? Or he is pretending?
So that I'll run back to him as if I'm scared. Actually, I am. Maybe I acted too much.

I can not believe that he is gonna leave me. Just like this?

I turned back.
" Yah!" I screamed. He didn't respond.
" Yahh! Yang Jungwon!" I shouted again. I stared blankly at his back, he walked further. It's obvious, he heard me.

I think I should go back to him. Should I?
Okay, I prepared myself to dash to him. And... 1 2 3 go!
I ran to him.

" Hey! Hehe wassup?! ". I greeted faking a smile, Not being mean, my legs hurt because of that I could not smile cheerfully.

He put a poker face on, looked at me, and raised his eyebrows but then smiled in a teasing manner.

I'm confused. Why is he smiling like a joker now?

"Ok! let's go! "
Jungwon blurted out immediately turning his body while clinging onto me.

" Y-yeah sure." I nodded and said.

I wonder what drugs he is on, Creepy sometimes.


At Home

I and Jungwon got inside the house. And it seems like my family is back home.
Great! I don't need to cook now.

I was about to lead Jungwon to my room,

and BOOM!

I slipped on clay and fell.
Nice. Very nice. Nice opportunity to get embarrassing moments in front of all.

" Gosh! " I heard Jungwon saying, quietly.

That's when I saw Mom and Dad sitting on the couch, looking at me and Jungwon. Jungwon is beside me and my brother is a step ahead, enjoying the whole scenario.

I look around, they were still staring at me. But Jungwon immediately pulls out his hand to help me get up.

" Wait. Who are you? " Wonjun, my annoying yet helpful brother questioned, checking out Jungwon from head to toe with a narrowed eyes. Wonjun noticed him as he was also trying to help me.

what is he doing? He might feel uncomfortable. But It seems like I'm the one feeling it instead of Jungwon.

Jungwon cleared his throat, preparing himself to converse with Wonjun.

" I'm Jungwon, Yang Jungwon. " Jungwon spoke with a spark of confidence in him.
" Cool. I'm Wonjun. Wonbi's elder brother. " They smiled at each other, then shake hands.

I'm still on the floor. Their hands were above my head.

I managed to get up myself. It is not like I fell from a building but hey, it hurt a lot.

" Sorry to interrupt while you were greeting but I had to get up. " I spoke while adjusting my dress.

" Jungwon, it's almost 10. You'll get late if you don't hurry Let's go to my room. You have some stuff to do, isn't it? " I spoke to him. He nodded.

" What stuff? " Mom asked.
" I don't know. " I replied in plain.

I pulled Jungwon upstairs because I won't be able to answer any questions further than this one.

" Ok, but you didn't me finish my talk with your brother. " He stated in a decent tone.

I turned back to face him. " I'm sorry. Next time I will let you for sure! I was nervous because he might ask you unnecessary questions. " I told him. Not gonna lie. I felt shy.

He slightly laughed.

To get away from this awkward atmosphere, I walked to my drawer and took out the box that he gave me, and handed it to him.

We sat on the bed.

He took the box and opened it. He examined the things which were inside the box. While I slowly observed his every move.

" You know everything in this box is important and I gave it to you because it's not safe with me." he said, still looking at the box.

" But you said the box is not safe to keep with. Now you're saying you're not safe... Haha, I don't get it. Never mind you don't need to explain. I'm dumb hehe... "

" Wonbi. Let me explain, this box is beneficial but yet can get you into trouble. Understood? " he explained with his soft mesmerizing tone. His voice is so pleasant and warm. It felt good.

" Yes, but why is this thing with you? Aren't you scared? " I questioned.

" I am. But that's not my choice, I have to get away from this situation anyhow and for that I need help. I don't trust myself sometimes. " He said sternly, he sounded tired and frustrated.

" And Am I helping you? "

" Yes, you are. Thanks " he looked and smiled at me.

I could feel myself getting heated. It nice to see that I'm able to help someone in their time of need. But what does he mean when he said he didn't trust himself?

" I'm sorry for worrying you all this time. Now you don't need to worry anymore, feel safe. I'm taking it back. " He smiles again.

Take it back?

What the hell is wrong with him again?
" Taking it back? I know I shouldn't get too involved but you said I'm helping you right? Is there any problem? You don't trust me? " How curious I sounded.

" No Wonbi. It's not what you think. I gave it to you because I trust you. You helped me a lot and I'm glad about that but I don't want you to get into distress which you haven't caused. " He tried reasoning me.

" If you trust me, let's do it together. Let's get out of this together. " He looked at me. I want to help him.

" Why? "

" Why not?" I questioned him back. " Aren't we friends? "

" Of course, we are but- " I cut him off.
" No buts. No option. No one can change my mind. " I stated.
" Are you sure? "
" I am. "
He smiled. " You're so stubborn but in a good way. "

I chuckled.

End of Wonbi's p.o.v


( a/n: What am I even writing LMAO (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') ↓↓

Anyways thanks for reading . i love ya! Dont forget to vote on every chapter and feel free to comment! bye bye♡ )♡・゚:*。.:*・

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