~chapter 7~bucky and tony~

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you then get home and walk in and Bucky is sat in the living room bouncing his knee up and down nervously

"Bucky i need to talk to you" tony says annoyed

"dad please , go easy on him" you say sadly and nervous

tony takes Bucky into a separate room but you listen to the convocation without them knowing

"right kid i know you like my daughter , i don't like the idea with you two together so stay away from my daughter , don't hug her , don't touch her , don't speak to her , don't even go near her ! do i make myself clear?"tony says intimidatingly



"No" Bucky says as he walks out the room mad,slamming the door.

"I swear I'm gonna end up killing him"

tony then walks back into the living room and you hear Bucky slam the door to his room. you sigh and walk into your room but don't slam the door because of Morgan.

"hey y/n , your home".Morgan says tired

"sorry honey i didn't mean to wake you"

"why are you crying"

"well you know Bucky who came to the park with us today?"

"yeah"Morgan says confused

"well i like him like how mommy liked daddy but daddy won't let me see bucky cos he doesn't want us to date" you say still crying

"well it seems like daddy is being mean... i'll talk to him" she says with a determined face and stomping out to tony

"Morgan" you say with a chuckle

she walk out and goes over to tony

"hey mister your being mean to my sister !" she says with a mad look on her face

bucky walks out and listens too

"how am i being mean Morgan?" tony asks confused

"you" she points at him "made y/n cry because she can date mr park man" Morgan is still mad

"mr park man?" tony says confused

"ohh um Bucky came to the park this morning and played with Morgan" you explain to tony

"Morgan , y/n is my daughter and i don't want her to da-"

"well why do you get to decide who she dates , huh mister??" she says sassily

you and bucky both laugh

"your one sassy little girl" tony says

"and your one mean controlling man mister, now let my sister talking to Bucky because he's nice and plays with me in the park" Morgan says sassily again

"Morgan , i said no" tony says

"But she loves Bucky"

"Woah, did not say love, I said like"

"Ok, she likes Bucky"

"No" tony says bluntly

"Morgan come on just go do bed tony's being a d*ckhead again"

you hold your hand out and she grabs it and you walk her back into the room and put her to bed

you walk back out

"y/n you didn't need to make her say that!" tony says mad

"I DIDNT , i told her what happened and she called you a 'meanie' and came out and said that, i had no idea" you say with a little laugh

"fine i'm going to bed" tony's says walking into his room

Bucky then walks towards you

"hey umm i- i'm sorry about today , this- this is horrible ! i like you y/n but your dad would kill me if he saw me talking to y-"

u cut him off and kiss him and he moves him hands to your waist

"oooo y/ns gotta boyfriend" morgan says laughing

"you missy are supposed to be alseep go back to bed!" you say mad

"fine" Morgan goes back to bed

u carry on kissing Bucky until you both pull away slowly and rest your forehead on each other's

"bucky i like you too but if my dad catches us we are both dead"

"i'm sorry buck" I sigh

he sighs too and he hugs you.

"you know we can't do this y/n" bucky says

"I KNOW all because of my dumb f*cking dad! Everything would be better, if he never found out... like it would be a secret!.." you say amazed by the idea.

"ok y/n would you like to be my secret girlfriend" he says jokily

"yes i would" you smile and kiss him

"so i'll see you tommorw y/n , night doll"

"night buck"

you both go into your own rooms and go to bed

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