Chapter-XXXV LOVE?

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"My twin, Twil".

"Your what?" Litwin asked his mouth hung open trying to process the information.

Alicia shuffled from one foot to another. "Yes. She is my Twin. And she doesn't know about my existence yet." She sighed sadly.

Litwin stood still gaping at her like a fish out of water. "She is a human. Since she doesn't own any powers unlike me, my parents decided it's better for her to stay on earth" Alicia explained.

"And it's better for her to be not brought in all these wars and stuff" Alicia spoke and Litwin noticed the sadness and concern for her sibling.

"You ever talked with her?" Litwin asked. Alicia laughed sadly. "I wish I can"


Twil who was apparently at the porch of her house wondering where Litwin was, fished her phone from her coat and turned it on to receive a message notification from Ashton.

It's been a week since she spoke with Ashton. She didn't intentionally avoid him rather her classes and the thoughts of Litwin kept her busy.

'Thoughts of Litwin? What the heck' Twil shot up from her seat and she mumbled. 'I should have missed my medication'

To distract herself from the crazy thoughts she unlocked her phone to read the messages from Ashton.

Twil. Can we talk?

Twil. I will wait for you near the library.

Why are you ignoring me?

I owe you an explanation about Dom.

Meet me at the Tim Hortons this weekend at 2.
Received 2 mins ago.

She sighed. The memory of 'that incident' was still vivid in her mind. She wanted to be brave and face it but knowing that she could have put someone in danger made her shiver.

It was 1°C. She snuggled into her coat and open the door to enter while she heard the crunching sound behind her. She turned to find Litwin breathing heavily. His nose tips were pink while his ears were red.

She smiled at the sight and opened the door wider to let him in.


"What do you mean that you are coming to school?" Twil asked as she pulled her hair into a ponytail.

"Exactly as it sounds Twil" Litwin answered as he lazily leaned on the entrance of her room. Twil muttered a whatever and they both entered the school.

Twil was pretty confused as to why no teachers questioned him about his absence while he just smirked. He was behaving more weirdly since yesterday night.

"IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?" May yelled into Kate's ears. "I thought he left?" Ree said looking at Kate. Twil scanned for her friends and sat near them as they chewed her ears off with questions.

Litwin sat near Ashton as usual who didn't bother to cast a glance at him. The tension emitted from behind was enough to make Twil and Kate change seats to the other side of the class.

The lunch soon came over as Twil picked the tomatoes out of her food in silence. May's eyes frequently fell upon Dom who was busy explaining something to his friends.

In the one and a half week so many things changed. Dom was considered one of the popular jocks right after 'that incident'. He seemed to have forgotten his memories too. May seemed pretty upset about the latter part. Ashton spammed saying he wanted to say something important while Twil and Axel got pretty close.

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