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Dedicated to angelinaeva1224. Thank you so much for your love and Support Eva💜
WARNING : This chapter has a small fight scene and a few blood scenes, so those who wish to skip please skip from this ⚠ and stop at the same symbol. You aren't missing anything very important so do not worry.

"Alicia will be there to watch"

Litwin turned to find Zahri. Litwin shrugged walking away. Litwin walked back to the Arena, where the fight will be normally held. He looked around and it was empty.

Litwin's butler came near him, with a small device. Litwin took it and kept his fingerprint.
"Device 053 activated. What would you like me to do, Master?" a voice asked from the device which was blinking a blue light showing that it was on.

"Call Adrian" Litwin commanded.

"Please select the via you want to use. Voice. Video. Hologram" the device asked. "Hologram" Litwin said. "Selecting Hologram. Calling Adrian. Connecting to the device 048" the device said and showed a hologram of Adrian.

"Wishes from Prince Litwin, Heir of Hesy to Prince Adrian. I would like you to challenge you to a match without any weapons and powers" Litwin said.

No matter how close they are or what kind of relationship they have, if they want to challenge a match with someone, they should formally invite them. If they refuse the request, then the one who refuses should request a challenge back for a match after one month.

Adrian looked at Litwin and said, " I do accept the request. I will be there in 5". Adrian's hologram disappeared and the device said "Call to Adrian. Device 048 disconnected. Hologram lasted for 29 seconds" The butler went back with the device.

The King, Queen, Asheil, Zahri, Daw', Isaa, and Alicia came to the Arena and sat down in the Arena's seats which had a clear view of the field. Adrian entered dressed in Full red. A red shirt with red pants and a red cloak which had blood rubies on it.

Litwin was dressed in full white. They shook hands and the cloaks were removed by two servants.


The fight started with the sound of the Robotic clock beeping. Litwin came charging towards Adrian and punched him on his stomach which Adrian stopped with a punch on Litwin's arm.

Adrian smirked and gave a punch on Litwin's left shoulder and kicked his left knee. Litwin bent down in pain. Litwin looked up and punched Adrian on his jaw. Adrian held his jaw and spitted the blood.

Litwin used his right hand to stand up and kicked Adrian's leg. Adrian fell but he did a back flip and kicked Litwin's face with his other leg.

Litwin went back and moved his jaws using his hand and came running towards Adrian and jumped and kicked Adrian with his Knees. Adrian fell coughing blood. Adrian quickly held Litwin's knees which were on him and slammed him to the ground.

Litwin hissed as he hit his left shoulder on the ground. Adrian held on to his ribcage, where Litwin kicked and walked towards Litwin. Litwin quickly got onto his legs with pain.

Litwin held Adrian and threw him which Adrian landed on his feet. Adrian clicked his tongue and tried to punch Litwin, which Litwin luckily avoided using his Right hand.

Adrian took a chance to sneak a punch and punched Litwin on his face and the blood started dripping from his face. Litwin quickly held Adrian in a deadlock. To get free, Adrian kicked Litwin on his shoulder with his legs.

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