Confronting Gil

374 21 26

9:00 a.m
Today I have to go and meet Gil at his house to talk. I really don't want to but Tamar is making me. "Janet get up" Tamar said pulling the blanket from over my head. I whined and opened my eyes.  I just glared at her and sat up against the headboard. "I'm not going" I said. She titled her head and stared at me. It was kind of scary. "Did you not hear when I said that you were going" she said. "I-I uh yes" I said shyly. "Ok then get your ass up and get in the bathroom"she said and pointed to her bathroom.I rolled my eyes and got out of the bed. "Bitch" I mumbled under my breath. I didn't think she heard it but she did. She grabbed my arm pulling me into her chest to where my back was against her front. "Want to repeat that" she said in my ear. I quickly shook my head no when I felt her bulge press against my ass. "Thought so" she said letting me go and smacked my ass. I quickly went into the bathroom and closed the door. I grabbed my toothbrush and the toothpaste and began to brush my teeth. Once finished I turned the shower on and got in. *30 minutes later* I finished my shower and was now standing in front of Tamar in my bra and panties as she sat on the bed. "What is the problem" she asked. "I can't fit them anymore" I said referring to the jeans I had in my hand. "Why can't you fit them anymore" she asked. "Because my ass is too big" I whined. Tamar bust out laughing like what the hell is so funny. "It's not  funny" I whined again. She stopped laughing and looked up at me. I stared back at her and poked my lip out. "Ok I'm sorry. Put some sweatpants on or something" she said. I huffed and went to her drawer and took out some black sweatpants. "I didn't say to wear mine" she said getting up. I ignored her and continued to put the sweatpants on then grabbed her long sleeve shirt and put it on.  My phone rang so I grabbed it and it was Toni calling. I answered and put it on speaker. "Yes Toni" I said. "Damita why are you taking so damn long" she said. "What do you mean" I asked confused. "Me and Gil are waiting on your slow ass" she said. I smacked my lips and hang up the phone. I put my Nike shoes on then grabbed my keys. Tamar wasn't even in the room anymore so I assumed she was downstairs. Walking down the stairs Tamar and the kids were in the kitchen. "Mommy" eissa and Tia yelled. They ran and hugged my legs. I looked down and smiled. "You can let me go now" I said. They let go and kissed my stomach and went into the living room to watch tv. I walked up to tamar but she ignored me. "Baby look at me" I said. She ignored me again. I gave kisses all over her face and she moved my head. "Why you ignoring me" I whined. "Because you had  an attitude"she said. "Ok I'm sorry gimme kiss" I said. She laughed and kissed me. I deepened it and slid my hand down her stomach and rubbed on it. "Shit" she moaned. I smirked and pulled away. "Ok I gotta go even though I don't want to" I said. She pulled me into her again and kissed me again. I felt her hand on my stomach and the baby kicked. I pulled away and rolled my eyes. "Every time I'm around you he wants to kick me" I said. "Because she knows her mommy is here" she smiled. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist and she grabbed my ass. "Your ass is getting fatter and I'm loving it" she smirked. I rolled my eyes again and kissed her lips one more time before pulling away. I grabbed my phone and keys from the counter and walked out of the kitchen and to the door. "I love you daddy" I yelled. "Love you more" she yelled back. I got in my car putting on my seatbelt and started it. Before I drove down the driveway way I connected my Bluetooth to my phone and went to my playlist. 'Wap' by cardi B and Megan thee stallion started playing. I started rapping to the lyrics. Tamar doesn't like when I sing it but I do it anyways. About 20 minutes later I arrived at Gil's house. He didn't live far from Tamar's house. I pulled into his driveway and parked my car. I turned it off and got out and walked to the door. I opened the door then closed it. Walking into the living room Toni and Gil were talking but stopped when they seen me. "Oh don't stop talking. Continue" I said and sat across Gil. He sighed and looked at Toni and she looked at me. "Could y'all's stop making googly eyes and talk" I said annoyed. Gil sighed against and faced me. "Look I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls and avoided you. I was just in my feelings and..." he trailed off. "And what" I asked. "M-my um mother died a few days before you went to the hospital" he said with tears now falling down his cheeks. (I don't know if his mother died  IRL, if so let me know). My heart immediately sank. Gil's mother was like a second mother to me. "Ooh my Gil" I said and got up. I sat down by him and pulled him into me. He laid his head down on my chest and cried his eyes out. Toni got up and said that she had to go. I nodded and halfway hugged her and she kissed Gil on his bald head. Now it was just Me and Gil. He pulled away from me and I wiped his tears. "I'm sorry I- it's just hard cause she was the only family I had" he sniffed. "Well why didn't you tell me" I said. "Cause you have your own problems to deal with. I would be just giving you more" he said. I turned his face to me and wiped some more tears. "Gil I don't give a flying fuck about my problems. Your my best friend, you can come to me anytime,ok" I said looking into his eyes. He nodded and laid his head back down on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his head. We stayed like that for a few minutes before pulling away. "Now tell mama Gil why you were stressing" he said. "I was stressing about you" I said. "Oh dunk I had no idea you were stressing about me" he said. "Yea but it's ok. I'm ok" I smiled. He smiled too and kissed my cheek. "Now I've heard that you and daddy Tamar were spying on toni and her date" he said. I smirked and told him what happened.

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