Chill Day

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2:30 p.m
As I was peacefully sleeping I heard the door being pushed open I knew it wasn't Deizel cause Toni came get him early . "Dunk wake yo ass up" Gil said coming to snatch the blanket off of me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" I said. "Dunk please all the times I have seen you naked"he said. "Get out" I said. He rolled his eyes and left out closing the door behind him. I wasn't really naked I just had on a matching bra and panties. I pulled the blanket over my head and tried to fall asleep again but failed. I opened my eyes to see Tamar hovering over me. Smiling. "What" I huffed. "Nothing I just wanna bother you" she said laughing. I rolled my eyes.
With what she had on I wasn't tired anymore. She had on a sports bra that showed her juicy breast and orange boxers. I bit my lip just looking at her. "You can stop staring now" she said looking down at me. "Make me" I smirked.  "You don't want me to do that"she said. "Oh but I do" I said running my finger over her lips. The look on her face made me wet. "Ok" she simply said before laying down and pulling me on top of her. I was sitting right on 'it'. Tamar was damn near biting her lip off staring at my breast. To tease her I grabbed them and squeezed them together right in her face. I felt my bra being unhooked and she threw it on the floor. Her warm hand grabbed my right one and sucked on my nipple then switched. I grabbed her face and attacked her lips. While locked in a heated kiss I removed her boxers and stroked her. Tamar moaned and bit my lip. Next thing you know I'm being bounced on her big ass shaft. "Ah shit" I moaned. She flipped us over to where she was on top and pounded into me. "I can't take it anymore" I yelled trying to get away but she grabbed my legs. "Nah you wanted it, you go take this dick" she grunted in my ear. I gripped on the sheets for dear life as Tamar continued to have her way with me.  "Mmm don't stop" I moaned. She chuckled and slowed down but still did deep strokes. "Cum for me" she smirked.  Arching my back I let my body drop as I came. She winked and went down to devour me.

As I devoured on Janet she tired to move my head but I slapped her hand away. She whined and gripped the sheets again.  Always when we're having sex somebody gots to call. "Get the phone" I said. She reached out and grabbed my phone and gave it to me. It was Traci calling. I answered and put it between my ear and shoulder. "Hello"I said. "Hey so we're all at Toni's house and guess who shows up" she said. I furrowed my eyebrows looking down at Janet. "Who" I asked. "Mommy" she said. "What did she want"I asked sliding my finger in Janet's wetness. She quietly moaned and glared at me. "She was like I was just coming to see my daughters, is that a bad thing, and you know me I had to say something so I was like hell yea, how you wanna see us but not your last child" Traci explained. "Traci mommy does not give a damn  or a fuck about me" I said. I could see Janet's eyes turning black. I shook my head no watching them slowly turn brown again. "Yea but that's not all. She was like I've come to my senses and I accept Tamar with Janet and then she left" she said. "So where is she now" I asked. As soon as I said that my doorbell rang. "I got it" I heard Tia say. I looked and Janet fell asleep. I shook my head and pulled my finger out and sucked her juices off my finger. Since I had on boxers and a sports bra I just put on my black sweatpants and a shirt and went downstairs.  I walked into the living room and  saw MY mother sitting on my sofa. "Traci imma have to call you back. She's sitting right in my damn face" I said. Traci said ok and hanged up. "Why are you here" I asked crossing my arms.  "I wanted to talk to you and to see my grand babies" she said. Eissa looked scared and ran to me hugging my legs. I picked him up and he clung on to me. Tia on the other hand was glaring at mommy. "You don't have any grand babies" I snapped. Her face showed sadness. "Well can I at least say I'm sorry for everything. I should of been there for you but I wasn't. If I could go back in time to change I would " she said. I rolled my eyes and looked the other way. "Traci told you what happened, didn't she" she asked. "Yes she did. Is it true" I asked. She was quiet for a few minutes before answering. "Yea and I'm so sorry. I miss my little girl always by my side" she said softly. Now when I was little and when she was home I was always by her never wanting to leave her side. "You're gonna have to earn my trust and respect back. But first you have to talk to Janet" I said. Her eyes showed fear. She quickly nodded and left out the house. I turned and Janet was standing there with a blank look on her face and her head cocked to the side. "Do you actually believe her" she said. "I don't know" I shrugged.  Janet rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen followed by Tia. I guess eissa fell asleep so I went back upstairs and put him in his bed. Quietly I walked out the room and back downstairs. Janet and Tia were still in the kitchen probably eating my shit.  My doorbell rang again so I went open the door. My sisters and Gil were standing there. I left the door open and walked into the living room. They followed me and sat down. "Why y'all keep staring at me" I asked. "Because we were wondering if you wanted to go to the club" Traci said. "No"I said. "But why, your ass always don't wanna go nowhere" Gil said. "And that's good" I said crossing my arms. Finally Janet and Tia came out the kitchen. I didn't even notice Janet wearing my boxers and a giant t-shirt. Janet had a popsicle and Tia had a big bag of sour cream and cheddar chips. She went sit  down between Gil and Wanda and Janet sat down between Toni and Trina. How she go to my sisters and not me. Eissa came downstairs and walked to me mugging Gil. We all laughed at Gil's face. "What did I do" he asked. "Nothing I just wanted to do that" eissa laughed. Tia had the remote and I knew she was gonna pick something with Janet in it. See Tia loves movies that Janet plays in. She put 'For colored girls' on. The movie started and Tia was glued to the tv. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gil try to take some chips. "Take some and your hand will be broken for a year" she said. He quickly moved his hand and pouted. On the other hand Janet was cringing while watching herself on tv. Finally the part where Janet is in her office came on. Damn she looked sexy. Out of the corner of my right eye Janet was looking at me so I turned and she was basically deep throating the popsicles. She took it out of her mouth and licked up and down while smirking. I grabbed a pillow and placed it on top of my cock. Then Janet got up and went upstairs. I quickly got up and followed her. Once I made it to the room I grabbed her and pinned her against the door. I pressed my body against hers closing the space that was between us. We stared at each other for a few minutes before I let her hands go. Instead of walking out the room she jumped in my arms and kissed me. Immediately I kissed back and grabbed her ass going to the bed laying down on my back with her straddling me . Her small hand ran up my stomach and under my shirt groping my boob squeezing it. "Really" I mumbled. Janet pulled away and laughed. "What. Yours are softer than mine" she said. " ok then your ass is bigger than mine" I said. "No it's not" she said looking down with her hair falling over her face. "Yes it is. Why you think I'm always touching it" I said. She shrugged playing with the strings on my sweatpants. "Look at me" I said. Slowly she looked up and stared at me.  All you could see was hurt and pain in her eyes. "Why are you staring at me" she asked.  "Because you're beautiful, gorgeous, and very sexy" I smiled. A smile appeared on her pretty face. "I think you're sexy too" she said biting her lip. I looked at the time on my phone and it was now 6:00. "What you wanna do" I asked. "Sleep, fuck, eat then repeat" Janet said. We heard footsteps coming towards the room. They stopped and in walked Tia with a mug on her face followed by eissa who was crying. "What's wrong" Janet asked. "Gil is what's wrong. He took my bag of chips and told me and eissa to get out. He basically screamed at us" Tia said. "Ok so what happened with eissa" she asked. "Gil also took his cookie and ate it in his face" Tia explained. Me and Janet looked at each and got out the bed.

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