Thirteen: Bela

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We talked for hours about our lives and what has been going on forever since High School. I checked my phone and it was already midnight as I started to yawn.

"Yo, it's late," I said.

"We better get some sleep," Mat said.

"Yes, because we all know how cranky you are without sleep," I smiled at Mat.

"Seriously?" Mat laughed. "You both think so?"

Shreya smiled.

"Told you," She said.

"You guys can share the bed in my room, I can sleep in here," Mat told me and Shreya.

"On the floor?" I asked.

"I did it last night," Mat said.

"And you answered me to a what the hell do you want," Shreya said. "We don't need bitchy Mat, so you should come sleep with us,"

"That sounded weird," I laughed.

"Oh, shut the hell up," Shreya said.

"Okay," I laughed, putting my hands up in surrender.

"We'll just go brush our teeth," Shreya said, walking to the bathroom.

I followed her.

"Mathew Barzal!" Shreya screamed from the bathroom.

Mat came over to the bathroom, looking at Shreya.

"What?" Mat asked.

"Where is the picture?" Shreya asked. "This naked wall is hurting my eyes," She joked.

"I'll hang it up tomorrow," Mat yawned, going to his room to change.

"You better," She mumbled.

"What's up with you guys and this picture?" I asked Shreya.

"He thinks that hanging up accent pictures in your bathroom is stupid and stuff," She told me. "I love it when he listens to me blindly,"

"He's legit scared of you," I laughed.

"Nah, it's only because he loves me," She laughed, brushing her hair.

"So, we never did finish the conversation about you and Mat," Shreya said. "Are you gonna get back with him?"

"I want to," I said. My heart was racing. "I just don't know how with long-distance and stuff,"

"Would you move here when you're done with school?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said. "There's a lot of job opportunities and stuff here for me,"

"Especially Mat," Shreya smiled.

"Yeah, especially Mat," I agreed.

We finished brushing our teeth and went into Mat's room to get dressed. Mat left the room to brush his teeth while I threw on an oversized t-shirt and shorts. I climbed into Mat's giant bed and Shreya jumped on next to me. Mat came into the room, looking at us, snuggled up under his covers.

"You seriously want me to stay?" Mat asked. "I feel like I'm kinda third-wheeling,"

"Nope," Shreya said. "Well, you're definitely third-wheeling, but now you know what it feels like to be me,"

"Damn, being Shreya sucks," Mat smiled, getting into bed next to me.

"Hey!" Shreya said.

"Mat, go turn off the lights," I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

"Shreya, go turn off the lights," Mat said, laying his head on the pillow.

"Dammit, Mathew, turn off the lights," Shreya said.

"Shreya," He groaned.

"Mathew," She said.

They got up, looked at each other, then raced to the light switch to turn off the lights.

"Aha! I won!" Shreya smiled, sticking her tongue out at Mat.

"Bullshit, I had a longer path to take," Mat said.

"Excuses," Shreya said, going back to the bed.

"Damn, am I the third wheel now?" I joked.

"No," They both said, disgusted.

We closed our eyes, trying to fall asleep.

"Goodnight," Shreya whispered.

"Goodnight," I said.

"Night," Mat yawned.

I couldn't fall asleep, so I tried to get up to get some water. I realized that I was in the middle of the bed, so I would have to climb over one of them to get to the kitchen. I looked at Shreya who was fast asleep and softly climbed over her. I went to get some water, then came back to the bedroom. I didn't want to climb over Shreya again, so I pushed her over to the middle of the bed and I took the left side. I went back into the bed and closed my eyes. Mat's snoring got a bit louder which led Shreya to start kicking him.

"Mat, shut up," She whispered, kicking him again.

Mat kicked her back and the snoring stopped.

I fell asleep but woke up to Shreya kicking me. I pushed her over to Mat's side. I could hear them kick each other again, but we ended up all falling asleep around two in the morning.

I woke up earlier than Mat and Shreya and got out of bed. I opened my suitcase quietly and pulled out my outfit for the day. I got dressed and as I was tying my shoes, Shreya and Mat woke up. Their eyes widened as they woke up face-to-face with each other.

"Aah," They both jumped and turned around. Shreya got out of the bed.

"How did I end up in the middle?" Shreya asked.

"You kept kicking me!" Mat said.

"Well, you kept snoring!" Shreya countered.

It was amusing to me to see them bicker like child siblings.

"I can't help that I kick," Shreya said.

"And I can't help that I snore," Mat said.

"Who wants breakfast?" I asked to stop their arguing.

"Ooh me!" They both said.

"Jinx," Mat said. "You can't say anything until you buy me a Coke,"

"We have no time for stupid games, Mat," I laughed.

"Stupid?" Mat scoffed. "Stupid?"

"Yeah, it is stupid," Shreya sticking her tongue out at Mat. "I'm not playing,"

"Breakfast?" I asked.

"Food!" Shreya chanted.

I stayed behind with Mat as Shreya trotted to the kitchen.

"So..." I said. "What about us?"

My heart raced.

"How much longer do you have for school?" Mat asked me.

"Another year," I sighed.

"I'll wait," Mat said, smiling. He lifted my head up and kissed my lips softly.

"I love you, Mat," I smiled.

"I love you too, Bela," He kissed me again.

We had our eyes closed, but I could tell that Shreya was standing in the doorway. Mat and I pulled away and smiled at Shreya. She looked at us in shock as we started to chase her around Mat's apartment.

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