Chapter 2

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"How about I take you to the back" the man smirks. I scoff as I put his beer down. "I'm a waitress, not one of the dancers sir" I state politely, hoping he gets the hint. He took a sip from his beer before pulling out his wallet. They never give up. I frown when I see the ring on his finger. He would be married. I feel bad for the lady who married this prick!
"How much" he asked. I smiled at him again, trying to calm my nerves. I already told this asshole I'm not a fucking stripper! What if I was married? Like he would care, he's willing to cheat on his own wife. "Depends on what you want" I say in a sugary, sultry voice as I give him my best fake smile.
He smirks as he gets up, leading the way to the back room, without speaking a word to me. "We need you bartending Christina! All we have is the new guy Justin" Chase calls after us. I look at Justin, who seemed to be doing fine, and shrugged. He needs to get used to this. I continue to follow the man all the way to the last room without a glance back.
The man sits on the couch and looks at me with his disgusting eyes, taunting me, tainting me. "How old are you sweetie?" I smiled as I took off my button up. "How old do you want me to be" I smiled sweetly at him. He smiled at the control he had over me, at the possibility that he can have whatever he wants.
"I just want to make sure I won't get arrested" he responds. At least he isn't a child molester. "20" I say dryly. He nods and begins to take off his shirt.
"Same age as my step daughter. That's good" he smirks. What a sick fuck. This man is surely in his 40s, why the fuck is he obsessed with his step daughter, fucking perv, I take back what I said about him not being a child molester because he definitely is.
I watch as he takes off his pants and then his boxers. How fucking disgusting. My father would be so disappointed. I get down on my knees and look up at the man. He immediately gets excited, what a weirdo. I take the knife out of my boot and quickly slit his throat, dying to get away from him.
"Fucking cagna" (bitch) I spit on his body and grab his pants. As I'm searching for his wallet someone knocks on the door. The knocking becomes harder, causing my hands to fumble as my nerves jump around. I find his wallet and stuff it in my pocket before I hide the knife back in my boot and go into a corner to put on the show of my life.
I begin sobbing hysterically and that's when the door opens, playing into my act. It was Justin. I look up at him and spoke inaudible words to him. He shuts the door and locks it before running up to me in a hurry, proving my acting skills are Leonardo DiCaprio level. "What the fuck happened" he practically yells. I allow him to help me up and sputter out my planned lie "I-I just came b-back he-re with him a-and we were, well we were. And then someone ran in and s-slit his t-throat. It was g-gang related, they s-poke of debt."
I never kill innocent people. This is how I make my money though; I kill shitty people. It's not like they belong on this earth, I'm doing people a favor; cleaning up the world a bit. Plus, I get to steal their money in the process. It's a win-win situation!
Justin smirks down at me, throwing me off a bit. "You little shit" his voice sounded different; It didn't sound as young, didn't sound as nerdy. "You're amazing Chris" his eyes twinkled. He knows. Fuck, I'm so fucked. I'm going to prison.
I wipe my fake tears away and look up at him. "How'd you know" I ask, giving up on my charade. He smiles down at me like a proud father, "that's very personal mi amor. Now we have to clean this situation you've caused up." (My love)
Why was he going to help? No sane person would help. He doesn't even know me! "It's Christina by the way, not Chris" I don't even know the man and he's calling me by my nickname! How'd he even know my name? I'm just being paranoid, Chase probably told him.
"That prick deserved it anyways! Chase told me to check on you, said you came back with some man. It had me-well it just had me going" his admiration turned into anger. His mood changed so fast. Had him going? Like horny "had me going" or made him rage "had me going"?
He walks over to the man and examine his lifeless body, that apparently has enough blood to create its own ocean.
"Go home" he demands, still looking at the man. I just stand there, dumbfounded, confused on who the hell Justin is and what he's really doing here. He bends down and grabs my shirt off of the floor, reaching his hand out to give me the shirt. He doesn't even watch me leave, to focused on the man. I slowly walk away, putting my shirt on. I hear one of the dancers voices and then Justin's nerdy voice come back into play. What game was he playing?
I shouldn't have left him to deal with my shit. He just got the job today. I could've handled it myself. I've never gotten caught before. Why would I now? Letting him handle things could get me caught though.
"Everyone leave quickly!" Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I'm already caught! Holy shit. I look and see the same bitch from earlier. "He's here" she exclaimed. I raised my brow in suspicion. How could he be? "He's here! Leave! You should've moved jobs too" she HAS to make a snarky remark as she rushes past me.
He's here? How could he be? Hopefully he was the man I killed. I look around, making sure everyone was occupied before running to my car. I've got to get out of this area! I calmly leave, wouldn't want the rich assholes to call the cops for my car being "too loud".

I end up at a 24/7 diner. Why? No idea. Here I was, casually eating pancakes at 2 am. And who the fuck was calling me at 2 AM? I look down at my phone, it would be my mother. I roll my eyes before answering "hello?"
I knew she knew, I wasn't going to act like nothing happened. If she brought it up, I wouldn't lie. I would just agree with whatever she wants. Unless, that is that she'd like me to go back home. Which, I'm never doing. Maybe to visit, but never to stay with them.
"Sweetie, what's going on? This is outrageous! You clearly aren't safe out there" she exclaims frantically. I smile at that. I wish she was this worried when I was breaking on the inside while I lived with her. "Mom, I'm fine. I'm doing fine out here" I respond, trying to reassure her.
"Bullshit Christina! I knew moving to New York was a bad idea the moment you left. You need to come home" she demanded. As if! "I'm not coming home mom. Nothing happened to me, I'm fine" I repeat myself.
"Christina, last time you said that you attempted suicide! I'm not risking that again. I'm not risking anything" she let out in frustration. She's so insensitive! Let's just fucking remind me of my lows. Which she never even helped me with! All she did was tell me to move on. Like okay, let me just get out of my bed and become happy, because it's that fucking easy. "I'm not coming back" I stare blankly at nothing at all, this conversation boring me now, at least that's how I'm acting because I certainly don't feel bored; I'm hurting still.
"Sweetie please. Even if it's not for that. We have to attend a baby shower anyways! You can come back for that. If you'd like you can stay at a hotel. If you don't want to be near us that's fine" I could hear her frown. Manipulative bitch. Was I surprised? No. She's manipulated me my whole life. Why stop now? Two can play that game though; I'll do what she wants one last time.
"Okay mom, I'll come back, but only for a week. I don't want to run into anyone I used to know. I also don't want to be around your snobby friends" I give in. So much for not going back home am I right? "That's amazing sweetie, I'll see you tomorrow" she rushes to end the call, making sure I have no time to change my mind.

At least she's happy.

Because I know I'm not....

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