Chapter 9

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I explained it all to them. Well I left some parts out. Like the deep conversations, my love for him, and of course our plan. Why would I tell them any of that? So they could arrest him. As if!
Weather this is Stockholm syndrome or not is up for me to decide. I'll play throughout my life how I want. I only get to live once and this life isn't glamours. Why not spice it up? I just want to have fun and lying gives me the most adrenaline.
I'll admit being controlled by him is a bummer. And him having access to everything is crazy. Especially the fact that just like the police, he can hear and see every conversation I have on and off a phone. I feel like I have no freedom. Both Nicholas and the police want me to do everything they say. I'm not a puppet though.
I have to actually work like a normal person now. Everyday is boring as ever and I was not making enough. I had to dress more slutty in order to get bigger tips. Having eyes on me 24/7 is very stressful. These police officers just sit there all night watching over me. I can't murder anyone when all eyes are on me.
I know Nicholas has someone watching me as well. I can feel unrecognizable eyes watching me. I always feel that way because I work at a strip club, but these stares felt different. I could never make eye contact with the person, they were just there. When I would look, all that was left behind was their shadow, which was gone within a second.
I haven't talked to anyone in months. My mom has called, but I just ignore her. I'm a grown adult and don't need to hear from her. My father never called, nothing new. I didn't talk to my stepmom either, which is going to look very suspicious because I always do. I doubt dad will fill her in, so I guess she'll have to stay in the dark. My brothers and sisters are living their own life so it's best I don't interrupt that peace.
I can't help but want to call my brother though. Jimmy does checkup on me just to make sure I won't off myself. It's sweet, but it's weird. He hasn't called though. Usually it's at least once every 3 months, but it's been 6 months and he hasn't said a word to me. I get that he's a professional football player, but still. I was expecting something.
Football season is over so he's back home. I get that he has to train and everything, but football season just ended 2 months ago. Doesn't he get some type of break? It's quite concerning actually. I didn't have any time to watch his football games recently because I was stuck in this exact situation. So I don't even know if he's okay.
Maybe if mom would tell him what has been happening he'd call. I'm surprised she hasn't. She can't keep a single secret. Maybe I should visit him. He probably hasn't reached out to her either. He's probably just busy though. He's the successful one here.
Maybe I should call my mom. She deserves that. I mean she knows I'm alive, but she hasn't heard from me since the last time I've seen her. I couldn't imagine my kid being in this situation and being left out. I'm a grown adult though, I shouldn't feel obligated to tell her anything.
"Christinaaa" curiosity was laced in the words. How the fuck did he get in here. I rush out of my room and see him. There he was, standing right in my hallway. Sitting on the couch was my father.
I just stood feet in front of him for a bit. It's been 4 months without a word from him. How was I supposed to feel? I couldn't help but miss him. Every part of him.
I run as fast as I could and throw myself into his open arms. I smile as we hug each other tightly. "I missed you so much" I squeeze him tightly for a moment. "You have no idea" he whispers before kissing the top of my head. I look up at him with a giant smile on my face.
We stood there for a few moments, just enjoying the comfort. It felt so right. I never wanted this hug to end. However, my phone was ringing and I had to excuse myself. "I'll be back" he nods. I run to my room and answer.
"Christina do you know what fucking time it is? The busiest time of the night and you're not here. Did you forget what time you have to be at work" fuck. I put him on speaker and quickly drop my phone on my bed. "Shit! I'm so sorry Chase. I wasn't even watching the time" I rush to my closet and pull out clothes.
"I'll be right there. Give me 20" I quickly strip out of my clothes and slip on more. He sighs. "Hurry up Chris. This is really stressful. These newbies don't know shit. I need you" he calms down.
I feel bad for him. He's been so stressed. "I know, I know, I'm so sorry! It won't happen again. I'll be right there" I zip up my shoes and hang up.
I grab a matching purse and shove my phone in it. Quickly, I rush out of my room. "I've got to go guys. I'll be back later. You guys can stay or whatever" I state as I walk past without looking at them and to my front door.
"Stop" Nicholas' deep voice demands. I halt in my exact spot and slowly turn to look at him. "What? I have to go to work. I'm already late. I'll be back soon" he was still unimpressed.
I look over at my dad in confusion and he just frowned. What? What's wrong? "What? Is everything okay? Did someone die" I question.
"Your outfit" Nicholas let's out. I raise an eyebrow "what about it." It was a challenge. He knew I was challenging him at this exact moment. So did my father because he walked right out of the living room and to my room. There was no way he was going to tell me to change.
"Change" of course. "Excuse me?" His anger was slowly revealing itself. "You heard me. Go change" he demands. As if! What the hell do I look like?
"I'm not Barbie Nicholas. I'm not changing, I don't have time" I turn back to the door and open it. As fast as it was opened, it was closed.
I turn and look at him again. "Move" I demand. "No, go change. Stop dressing like that Christina! You look like one of the strippers" he exclaims. He did not! He came here to insult me, not see me. Of course!
"Move before I bitch slap you" I state in a low tone. He just laughed in my face. So I did it. Right across his right cheek. I watched as his face moved to the left a bit. He stared at me blankly.
Quicker than I slapped him, he had my jaw in his hand. He held it with such a strong hold. Once it began to ache, I pushed at his chest. "Stop!" Just letting that out hurt. He shoved me back into the door by my jaw and let go.
"Fuck you" I spit out. "If you thought I loved you then your completely wrong now. Stay the fuck away from me. Psychotic bastard" I raise my voice. "I hate you so much" tears began to fall down. His rage immediately went away. His whole body tensed for a second before softening.
Knocks filled the silence. I stepped away from the door and opened it so they can only see me. "Hey Dallas how can I help you" I ask my 'bodyguard'. He was really young, probably 23. He was the only one I liked. "Hey love, is everything okay? You're late" he asks.
I feel Nicholas get closer to me. "Yep! I'll be right out" I quickly shut the door. I turn around to be right next to him. "He's going to see you! Nobody can know you're here" I scold.
"I know. We have to go too" he states. Even though he was an asshole to me, I'm still going to miss him. I love him and nothing is ever going to change that. It sucks, but it's true.
I nod numbly. "Jason, leave out the back. I'll meet you there" he orders. I hear shuffling in my room and assume he heard. I wipe my eyes dry and frown. I wish he could stay.
"I won't wear this. I'll go change right now. I'm sorry" I say as I walk to my room. I hear him following. I grab out different clothes and throw them on my bed. "I didn't mean to start anything" I watch as he sits on my bed.
I unzip my boots and put my jeans on. "No, I shouldn't have put my hands on you" he replies. I mean he isn't wrong. I lift my dress up and off of me. Then I cover myself up with a fitting black shirt. I slip back on the high boots and zip.
"I really do love you Chris" his voice fills the silence. I stand up straight and look at him. It was shocking to hear those words. They're so rare and cherishable. They made me want to melt.
I couldn't help but smile. "I believe you" I reply. I mean who am I to say he doesn't? He has to if he's doing all of this for me. Right?
I get closer to him and attach our lips. Now that he's sitting on my tallish bed and I'm in a higher heel, we're the same height. How perfect. I climb on top of him, my knees at both sides of his legs. I push us closer together and roughen up the kiss.
My body reacted so well to his. It wanted to be against him forever. Wanted to be one with his at all times. I just kept pressing myself against him until I no longer could. I pull away and look down at him. It's nice being above him. Maybe I should be on top of him more.
He takes that as an opportunity to kiss my jaw. I giggle as he moves to my neck. I lean my head down and moan right in his ear as he sucks at my flesh. "Nic" I say breathlessly. He mumbles a "what" and continues to suck.
I gasp for air as I try to silence myself. He began to unbutton my jeans, keeping his focus on on my neck.  "Work" I managed to let out. "Forget about it" he finally got them unbuckled.
He moves me flat on the bed and begins to take off my boots. Once those are off, he climbs on top of me. I smile as he begins to take of my jeans. He connects our lips for a second before making his way back to my neck. "We don't have time to have sex" I manage to let out a full sentence. He looks up at me "then we won't." What?
I raise myself up as he takes my shirt off. I give him a quick kiss before taking his off. "Nic" it came out as a whisper. I frown at the sight of his body. Old scars were everywhere. It pained me to look at. How could one have done this to him?
"It was five years ago Christina. I'm fine" he reassures. I nod. It was no use though, he knew I wasn't over it. He quickly got off of me in frustration. I sat up and watched as he stood.
I stood up as well and made my way over to him. I rubbed my hands over his scarred shoulders in reassurance. It's different, but his scars don't change anything and I need him to know that. I kiss one of his scars on his chest before attaching our lips. His hands grab my hips as he deepens the kiss.
He backs us up towards the bed and breaks the kiss to throw me on the bed. He crawls on top of me and I smile. "I love you darling" he pulls me into a kiss. I love you too. He slowly pulls my underwear off as we kiss.
Everything was happening so fast. I spread my legs for him and he let his body hang over me. He left wet kisses all the way down to my bellybutton. I watch as he looks up at me with a huge smile. I would give anything to see that smile forever.
He spit in me and let me tell you! When I say I got even more horny, I MEAN IT! I let out a loud moan as he stuck his fingers in me. Having someone finger you is WAY better than doing it to yourself. They're able to get so much deeper. I move my body deeper into his finger over and over again. "Oh my god! Nic" I let out.
Right before I can orgasm, he removes his fingers. I gasp at the sudden movement and my legs shake. Before I could realize what was happening, he spread my legs more and brought his mouth to my vagina. I gasp and run my fingers through his hair. I push his head into me deeper and moan louder.
With one hand clenching my blankets and the other in his hair, I move my body closer to him. My legs began to tremble uncontrollably and I could no longer take it. My moan fill the room as I cum into his mouth. He grunts and licks up all of my excess. I pant as he closes my legs and pushes them down. "I'll see you later darling" he kisses me deeply before throwing on his shirt and hopping out of my window.

That was amazing

But when will it happen again....

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