Chapter 7

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"Dad?" I repeat. Did I just shit myself? Am I awake? He took his eyes off of his phone and looked at me. His eyes widened and we just sat there for a second. What.the.fuck. "Christina? What are you doing? Why are you here" he stutters.
"You told me your job was dangerous and a secret, but dad, you've been screwed over! This was his plan, what a psychopath. You never told me your boss was a psychopath! Dad we're so fucked! Of course he would get close to my family! He always has to be a step ahead" I cry out.
"Christina, you need to calm down. Everything is going to be okay. I don't know what the fuck is going on, but nothing is going to happen" he assures me. I hear the car start and cry more. "Chris, he isn't going to hurt you. I know I sound crazy, but he really is crazy about you. I don't approve any of this but there is nothing we could do about all of this" he tries to make things better.
"Dad, what if he kills you? You have a child and a wife" I exclaim. I look out of the window. We were moving so fast. Faster than I could even think. "He isn't going to kill me. I'm like his right hand" that makes it worse! He'll dump my father the moment he doesn't need him. I just nod to make him feel better about himself.

Here I was, home sweet home. My dad let me into this room a few hours ago. I've been sitting up on this bed waiting for Nicholas to walk through the door. I'm going to murder him. He has to walk in soon, this is his room. I'm no idiot, this room screams Nicholas. It's plain, comfortable, and smells just like him.
Ah, there it was. I watch the door open, pushing through the darkness. His figure enters the room and shuts the door quietly. I quickly get off of the bed and attack him. I jump on his body, knocking him over. Now here we are. A knife straight at his throat. "You fucking psychopath! You're stringing my father along? How crazy are you! I'll fucking kill you if you ever try and pull one over on him" I push the knife to his skin. I feel his laugh go through my body. "You have no control over me or what I do" and with that, he flips us over.
Now here we were. A knife against my throat. His hand in full control, pressing the knife so very close to my own throat. With both of my hands, I try to push him off of me. "YOU'RE SUCH AN ASSHOLE NICHOLAS" I yell in his face. I continue trying to push him off of me. He just held the knife to my throat. I gave up and sobbed under his body.
Right away, the knife was thrown across the room and I was in his arms. He picked me up and brought me to the bed. "I'm sorry it's just I came here to scold you. Not the other way around" he turns on the light. I was sitting at the side of the bed, my legs hanging off, and he was standing right in front of me.
"That's my father Nicholas. You can't toy with my family! It's wrong. Somewhere in that crazy head of yours has to know that that's wrong" I look up at him. He licked his lips and scoffed.
"I'm serious! Nicholas you can't do this. Stay away from my family" I demand. He looks down at me and laughs right in my face. "What are you going to do about it Christina? You couldn't even slit my throat while I was off guard!"
I groan in frustration. "Just leave me alone Nicholas. Forever. Just fuck off! Why are you so interested in me? I'm not that interesting" I insist. "You get the same answers even when you ask over and over again Christina. We're alike, we were treated the same" he replies.
"What am I supposed to do with that information" I ask. He could sense my frustration, but still chose to walk away. I just scoffed and got under his blankets. They are comfortable. The sound of water soothed me.
"Christina, come here" right as I'm comfortable!
I throw the blanket off of me and walk towards the sound of water. I raise my eyebrow at the sight. There he was, sitting on the sinks counter top. "I started the bath for you" he spoke. Odd. I watch as the water rises in the tub. "I'm not getting in" but it looks so comfortable. I love deep tubs, the water gets everywhere! It's like a hot tub! Who could resist? "Get in" he walked out.
I wasn't going to say no twice. I shrug and undress. I slowly step into the hot water. Once I'm in, I stop the facet. I lean on the tub and just lay there. It's so relaxing I could fall asleep.
It's probably only been 5 minutes of sitting here in silence before a knock echos around. "Can I come in now" Nicholas asks. Ummm no? "Sure" thankfully bubbles filled the bath, so the only thing in vision is my neck and head.
I hear the door open and him walk over to me. He leaned against the tub, a few inches from me. We sat in silence for a good 3 minutes before he spoke up. "It was my step father" he paused. Okay, so now I'm going to get this backstory.
We sat there for another minute. "He was the only person I had. The only person I trusted. I was so young. It was just me and him. My mom died when I was 4" he stopped again. He turned to me. "Don't pity me" he spat out before turning his head to look at the door again. Shut the fuck up.
"I never knew my mom, so it doesn't matter. My father wasn't in the picture. I don't know anything about him, all I know is they were never married or anything, just a lustful relationship I assume. Anyways, me and my step dad. I trusted him most in the world because he was always there. Since I could remember he was by my side. He made me the happiest kid ever. Until he didn't" he paused and ran his hand though his hair. Here comes the tantrum. Honestly, how fucking rude could I be? I'm always assuming the worst.
"When I turned 16 I became his biggest disappointment. We slowly started to drift apart once I turned 15 though. It's just that he didn't start with his games until I was 16. I wasn't sad or angry or happy, or anything really. I was just there. Stuck in the house. I couldn't even go to school. He didn't want any chances of getting caught" caught for what?
"I didn't attend school. He didn't even set me up for home schooling. He was scared I would grow smarter than him. It was too late though and he realized that, so he kept me in the basement. It was terrible down there. I got a meal every so often, but it tasted like shit and didn't give me any nutritions I needed. He would come down with different types of weapons or torture devices and treat me like a test dummy. I was weak down there. He kept me locked up like some prisoner. The basement was dark and windowless. Therefore it was timeless. I had no idea how long I was in there. Until the moment I got out. I was in there for 3 years. 3 years of absolute torture" his fist clenched in his lap.
"The doctors say that's why I'm crazy. I was locked up in the dark with my own thoughts for too long. He beat my sense out of me. They're right, but I'm not crazy. I'm just too smart for them. They're just scared of me, just like him" he finished off.
I was trying so hard not to cry throughout the whole story. I couldn't help it though. "Nic" I whisper. He turns my way and scoffs when he sees my tears. "Hurry up in here" he says as he gets up.
I watch as the door shuts and let it out. My breathe shakes and the tears only poured faster. I rose my head high, took a deep breath, and wiped my tears away. I need to compose myself. Manipulation Chris. Don't get caught. But how could that have been manipulative? It all seemed so genuine. So true.
I unplug the tub and stand up. There goes my relaxation. I wrap the towel tightly around my body and sigh in relief at the sight of clothes. They weren't mine, but they'll have to do. These boxers are definitely not going to fit like underwear, I'll tell you that. I hold them out in front of me and cringe.
His clothes are pretty big on me. I guess that's just because he has a longer torso and bigger muscles. I would die before having muscles like his. Would definitely not fit me or my body type.
I take a deep breathe and exit the bathroom. "I want to see" I demand. He raises and eyebrow. "See what" he closes his closet door. I look at him with a stern face.
"What he did. Your scars" I keep my voice steady. I feel like a shitty person right now. I created my own scars, I had that choice. But he didn't and now here I am, demanding to see his. But what other way do I have? I need to know if he's lying or not.
He looks at me with disbelief. "No." I cross my arms against my chest and pop my hip out. "Come on" I wasn't going to back down. He just ignored me and laid himself on his bed, letting the blankets fall on him.
He moved to his side to face me. "Just go to bed dear" he stared at me. Fine. I sigh, but go to turn off the light. I slowly get into the bed and get under the covers. I turn my back to his back and close my eyes. Suddenly this isn't comfortable anymore.
I let out a huff before turning on my other side. That was just too hot though. So then I took the covers off of me and laid opposite of him. My feet were where his head was and my head was where his feet where. The only difference was that he was under the hot blankets and I wasn't.

I somehow wake up in his arms again. Why does this keep happening? I was still in the same position, so he was the one who moved. I was laying on my side and he was on his stomach with his arm draped around my waist. Ha, who's the one manipulating who? Well I guess it still wouldn't be me because he's always been "obsessed" with me.
I remove his arm from around me and sit up. "Nicholas" I press my hand against his warm arm and shake. The phone wouldn't stop ringing. "Nicholas, wake up" I say louder. "Somebody's calling you. Come on" I shake him harder.
He lets out a loud groan into his pillow he had brought over and sits up. I watch as he reaches for the phone and answers. "Hello" I lay the right way on the bed and throw the covers over me. Why is it so cold in the morning? I close my eyes in peace and drift off.
Right before I was dead asleep, the covers where ripped off from above my head. The sudden light again caused me to squint my eyes for a second. I glare at Nicholas, but he was already inside of his closet. "Your stuff is here" he called out. I couldn't help but smile. I won't be bored here. "Your father will bring the boxes up" ding.
"I meant what I said" I reply from on the bed. I could sense the confusion in the room. "Last night. About my father. I meant every word of it" I clear the dead air.
Nicholas walks out of his closet quickly. "You're lucky I haven't killed him already" he spits out like venom and casually puts on his shoes. "Excuse me" yeah, I'm getting really triggered right now. "I know the past Christina. He's lucky I haven't slit his throat yet" he states simply.
Before he could exit the room, I stand in front of the doors. "Don't you dare! What he did to me was a long time ago. He has other kids to worry about. It's only because I acted and looked like my mom. It was my fault, I pushed him" I practically yell.
"That doesn't mean it was right. You were a child. You're too easy to forgive" he rolls his eyes. I'm going to strangle you. "Well I won't forgive you if you do kill him. Ever" that was a fact. "Oh trust me, I know dear."


I could get used to that.....

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