Ch. 77 Encounter

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I woke up and turned on my side to face Alex.

She yawned and turned to face me.

"Morning." She says.

"Morning." I say.

"So wanna hang out today? I graduate in two days." I say sitting up.

"I totally do and we need to go shopping for your big day." She says.

"So were are we going first?"

"Let's just take a walk and see were it goes."

"Okay. But, wear a bathing suit under your clothes okay?"


"Are you going to your house to change?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because I wanted to kiss you before you go."

"Please Scar," she says waving her, "you could do it anyway."

I lean in and she meets me in the middle. I place my hand behind her neck and pull her closer. Her hands travel to my hips and pull me into her lap to were I'm straddling her. I pull back and rest my forehead on hers. She smiles and says "Come on."

I get off of her and go in the bathroom while she goes to her house.

I take a shower and put on a black bikini set. I put on a pink flowy shirt with Micky Mouse on it, blue short shorts, white converse, a white fedora, and a pink and grey bow necklace. I change my piercings to grey ones and I curl my hair.

I walk out to my kitchen and I hear the front door open.

"Alex?" I call.

"Yeah it's me!" She calls back.

I start making banana muffins. She sits down on my island and takes a muffin. I sit next to her and eat a muffin.

"Hey these muffins are really good." Alex says.

"Thanks. I used to make them all the time with my mom." I say.

"So ready to go?"


We walk out together and hold hands.

"Ready for a day of fun and running from fans?" Alex says.

"Yeah. We better be in shape anyway with what we have to in counter." I say.


We walked to the mall. A group of people approached us and one girl asked "Can I get a autograph?"

One boys asked "Can I get a kiss from both of you?"

Me and Alex looked at each other like 'this boy is crazy'

But we agreed we signed the girls shoes she was wearing. We took a picture with the boy of both of us kissing either of his cheek at the same time. We sighed autographs for others, took selfies, we even got invited to a party oddly enough. We shopped around for a bit and got our nails done.

We went to the ice cream stand by the beach and got some. I got a triple decked vanilla ice cream cone. Alex got a mint chocolate medium ice cream cup. We went down to the actual beach spot and got some seats by the water.

I took off the clothes I had on down to my bikini I sat it on the chair and waited for Alex to be done. Once she was we ran into the water. We swam around for a bit, had a water fight, and got hit on by these guys with their girlfriends. It was so funny to me I burst out laughing when they asked us out.

We stayed to watch the sunset. It was really nice and calming. While we walked back to my house and a blonde woman approched me.

"I just want to let you know that you should really watch your back." She says.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You already know me. I know what her plan is and your not gonna like it either." She says and walks away.

She gets into a white Mercedes.

I look at Alex and say "I don't know who that was?"

"I got a picture if her just in case." She says.

"Let's go." I said and we went to my house.

We talked about what happened and went to bed. We decided to call the others over the next day and talk about it.

Tiffany p.o.v

After I got in the car kemmy said "Good work out there."

"Thanks for calling me to come help." I said.

"Great just wait one more day and well have her."

"Hopefully she won't be too mad at me for this."

"Honey she w is not even be alive long enough for you to help her."

"You said that if I help you I can take over after we take her in."

"Yeah well I lied."

"You bitch!"

"Deal with it or try and steal her from me once we have her. If you succeed then you'll be able to do whatever you want to do to her free of charge."

"Ugh! Just hurry up and get to your house. This is killing me."

"Yeah for now." She said.

I looked at her and glared my eyes out at her.

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