Chapter 3: The sorting ceremony

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Alix, now dressed in her robes as they were about to arrive at Hogwarts stared at the window, her eyes glued at the view in front of her.

"By the way, now that I notice, where's your familiar?" Draco asked, entering the compartment now also dressed in his robes.

Alix raised an eyebrow. "I'm surprised you only noticed now," she said with a smirk on her lips.

"I was occupied before. So, where is she?" Draco asked again crossing his arms as he sat down in front of her.

"She's inside my trunk. She kept complaining about the small accommodations so I suggested the trunk" Alix explained and as though Mina felt that they were talking about her, the trunk over them shook a little.

"Blimey, her hearing's sharp" Draco commented.

Alix didn't say anything and only kept staring at the view. "Excited, are you?" he asked and Alix nodded.

"I am, I really am," Alix said, a smile on her face.

A few minutes later, the express stopped, indicating that they have finally arrived. Alix, without any hesitation, pulled her trunk from the shelf and walked out of the compartment, completely forgetting about Draco who shouted her name and followed closely behind her. Alix looked around the night sky filled with stars, some of them she recognized. Draco stopped beside her, wheezing because he had to run to catch up to her. "Why the bloody hell did you leave me?" he asked.

"Sorry, I got too excited," Alix said without looking at her friend, there was no regret in her voice at all.

The prefects had the 1st years in a line at the frontlines where a giant man stood. Alix recognizes him to be Hagrid as her parents had talked about him before. Draco's eyes widened at the man in front of them. "Merlin, I've never expected to see a giant at Hogwarts," he said.

"I don't think he's a full giant. But he must be at least half" Alix said, she had already met a giant before as her parents had a giant friend.

The two followed the giant who screamed to the first years to follow him. Alix recognized his accent to be from West Country. Alix followed closely with Draco beside her. A few walks later, they reached a lake and Alix could see the large castle that she knew was Hogwarts. She gasped, realizing that her parents' description of the castle wasn't able to capture the true beauty of it.

"Wicked" she heard Draco mutter beside her, also seeming to be in awe of the sight in front of them.

Alix felt the trunk in her hands shake. She bent down and laid the trunk on the ground before clicking it open. Mina seemed happy to finally be outside again, jumping out of the trunk and purring loudly. The students all watched with wide eyes and opened jaws as the young girl nuzzled her familiar who was purring.

"I want scratchies," Mina said and Alix immediately scratched the back of the Zouwu's ear.

Mina purred loudly and Alix looked at Hagrid who-if it was possible-had heart eyes. Hagrid cautiously walked towards the pair which caused Alix to stop and look at the half-giant.

"I'm sorry, but she really wanted to come out of the trunk. I hope I'm not disturbing anything" Alix explained politely.

"Blimey, no! I just-just...err-can I touch her? I've always wanted a Zouwu, you see. This is the first time I've seen one" Hagrid said, his hands felt like they were itching and he had always wanted to touch one.

Alix looked at Mina, almost pleading with her eyes to allow Hagrid to touch her. Mina rolled her eyes and walked towards the man tilting her head as if saying 'go on'. Hagrid gasped and immediately scratched her behind the ear which made the beast purr loudly.

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