Chapter 6: The 3rd-floor corridor

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Alix hummed as she walks towards the 3rd-floor corridor with a light spring on her every step, her familiar following closely beside her. She made sure to wake up at 5 am so she could have time to explore the castle. Alix had planned to see what was on the 3rd-floor corridor before she continues exploring the rest of Hogwarts, she was simply too curious as to what was on that certain corridor. She stops just in the middle of a moving staircase, waiting for the stairs to move and a few seconds later, it brought her to the 3rd floor. Alix climbed up, an eager look on her face. Mina sighed at her antics but didn't say anything, knowing how Alix would never listen when she's too curious about something. She simply cannot be stopped.

Alix stops in front of a wooden door, heavily secured by a lock. She rolled her eyes, disappointed that it was too easy to open. Alix pulled her wand from the holster, whispering a quick "Alohomora" which quickly unlocked the door. Alix swallowed, her heart beating rapidly out of excitement.

"Alix, be careful" Mina warned her and the young Ravenclaw only nodded before turning the latch. The door was finally opened and no one had caught her yet which Alix was incredibly grateful for, thanking merlin on her mind. She slowly pulled the door to a gap where her head could fit. Alix slowly leaned towards the gap, peeking inside the room, and what she saw certainly did surprise her. A three-headed dog, which she recognized to be a Cerberus eyed her curiously but with wariness in all of its 3 faces.

"What is it? What do you see?" Mina asked worriedly.

Alix blinked a few times, a frown slowly showing itself on her youthful face. She blinked one last time to make sure she wasn't seeing things before fully opening the door, disbelief now replaced her scowl. What in merlin's arse was Dumbledore thinking when he put a full-grown Cerberus in a school full of children?! Did he finally become senile? Was he daft?! What happened to the mighty wizard who defeated Grindelwald?! Alix had so many questions in her mind when she finally entered the room with a growling Cerberus in front of her.

"How dare you enter this room, you are not allowed in here! Leave, this instant!" one of the Cerberus' heads barked angrily, spit flying everywhere and if Alix wasn't a Clementine, she surely would have fainted out of fear by now. But, Alix was used to handling creatures many would consider 'dangerous', and she had met many Cerberus before, one of her blood-related uncle had a Cerberus as a familiar.

Alix crossed her arms before hearing Mina huff behind her. "Oh, it's a Cerberus. Nothing I've never seen before" Mina commented and upon seeing the Zouwu, the Cerberus growled and barked, even more, recognizing the Zouwu to be a threat.

Alix finally got over her shock and sighed. She stood up straight, letting her magic calm the animal who was clearly agitated by their presence. It's another one of a Clementines' many abilities and why they were dubbed as 'beast tamers' by so many people. Their magic is able to soothe any creatures, like some sort of calming draught.

Alix smiled softly a the confused canine in front of her while Mina purred beside her, also being affected by her magic. "I apologize for disturbing you, I just wanted to see what Headmaster Dumbledore was hiding in here after he told us to stay away. I didn't expect to see an adult Cerberus at Hogwarts', really, what was Dumbledore thinking?" the Cerberus' eyes widened at Alix as she lets the creature's language roll off her mouth, coming out as soft barks and a growl when she mentioned Dumbledore.

"You can speak our language? Why, I've never met one who could do so before! I've heard stories, sure, but I thought they were only made up" the middle head said, lowering his head with a curious gaze intended for Alix. The 3 heads looked fascinated to see her.

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