Chapter 18: Wendigo

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"Who came?"

"It's the Lady of House Clementine, Minister," the dark-haired secretary said as he peeked through the door, an uncertain look in his brown eyes. He had been working for the minister for only a month but had already noted the temper the Lord of Slytherin had with incompetent people.

"Let her in," the current Minister of wizarding Britain said, dropping the black-feathered quill from his hand and rubbing his eyes with both his hands before composing himself to entertain his newly-arrived guest.

Delphina entered the room with the grace expected of a pureblood lady like her. She showed a small smile to the Minister, indicating that she was glad to see him. Her familiar, a tiger, growled beside her. Tom wasn't able to speak any other tongue other than snake but he could tell the tiger was far from attempting to attack him.

"Good morning, Thomas. I hope I am not intruding with your work today" she said pleasantly.

Tom smiled perfectly, the kind of smile that he uses to gain people's trust. He walked towards Delphina and kissed the knuckles of her hand in greeting.

"I assure you that you are never a bother, Delphina," he said. "Please, sit" he offered before eyeing his secretary that stood by the door stiffly. The secretary seemed to understand and left the room immediately.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" he suggested, as he sat on the opposite armchair in front of Delphina.

"I would appreciate it," Delphina said in gratitude. She was a little parched after coming back from the job that the Minister had requested of her.

"Pivvy" Tom called and with a snap, a male house-elf appeared, wearing a shirt and pants.

"Yes, master?" Pivvy asked, looking sharp for a house elf. Delphina was quite surprised and pleased at the same time. It seemed that the Minister treats his house-elf better than most purebloods if the way Pivvy stood confidently and wore clean clothes was any indication. It usually says a lot about a person's character from how they treat their house-elves.

"Please bring some tea for our guest" Tom ordered and Pivvy nodded before disappearing with another snap. A minute later, he appeared with floating trays behind him, placing the cup of tea on the tea table between them.

Delphina pulled the teacup to her lips, she took a sniff and was able to tell the familiar scent of Eir tea. How pleasant. It was an expensive tea and only the richest of the rich was able to procure it. It was the usual tea at their home as one of William's brothers was a manufacturer of it.

"You have great taste in tea" she commented, keeping the kind smile she had on her lips since she entered the office.

"Thank you. Although, I think you would have to thank Lady Longbottom for that. She was the one who suggested this tea" Tom said, sipping a small portion of the tea.

Delphina showed visible surprise at that. She placed the cup down on the table before she chuckled. "I see you two got along well. If she started recommending you things" she said.

Tom smiled. "I must be a charming man to have woo Lady Longbottom so easily," he said humorously, showing an arrogant smirk.

Delphina laughed at that. Well, the small kind of laugh that was allowed from a married lady like her. Nevertheless, she laughed. "You are quite arrogant, Thomas, but I suppose it suits you. After all, you are the youngest to have become a Minister in centuries"

"You flatter me, I think it wasn't that impressive of a feat. Anyone could have won so easily if their competition was someone like Lord Fudge" it was a really impressive feat but Tom wouldn't want to brag. And besides, Fudge could be compared to a worm that could easily be crushed with your hand.

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