Chapter 27: The End of Summer

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The Clementines were a normal family. Normal in the way that most wizarding families are. They were a family consisting of a Mother, a Father, and two lovely daughters. Of course, with their reputation and the certain image that people have of them, it was odd to think that they are just like any other wizarding households out there. Nonetheless, they were not a picture-perfect family, unlike what some would think. William and Delphina make mistakes, as all parents do, and their two daughters could be rebellious and stubborn if they wanted to, especially now that Althea is looking up to her sister so much.

William Clementine had grown up in such a household. He was the oldest of the 4 Clementine siblings, which meant he bore the weight as the Heir to the household as soon as he was born. It was rare for the Clementines to birth a girl, which was why it was almost a miracle when his own parents found out that they were having a girl, after birthing three sons. Alice Clementine, the youngest of the Clementine siblings and the only girl was the apple of their eye. She was a person who William thought could do no wrong. She was the sister that he swore to protect when he first held her after their mother gave birth.

It was the proudest moment of their lives when Alice came back from the forest behind their ancestral home that was now abandoned with an Occamy familiar in her arms. Everything she did was considered the greatest achievement for the family and her birthday parties were always the most extravagant. It didn't matter that she broke a precious heirloom or when she was unable to put her familiar in control, she was still adored no matter what she did and nothing could change that. Though, her troublesome personality was something William was certain Alix had gotten from her aunt.

When Alice died, it felt like the whole world crumbled at their feet. She had just begun working as a curse breaker back then. She became an apprentice to a well-known curse breaker the moment she graduated from Hogwarts, he still remembered how proud everyone was of her. She went to Egypt, even with the warning from their parents – they had always been overprotective of her but it seems their worries for not for naught, because during her first job as a Curse Breaker, a letter had come from the Ministry of Egypt, and along with it, was her body in a casket.

She was killed by a wizard who supported Grindelwald's ideals, one who was quite angry when he saw his sister, a Clementine bearing the same blood of those who had betrayed his Lord. He was sent to the Egyptian dungeons, for killing a guardian of Britain, it was a whole political affair that added to their parents' misery. Their diplomatic relationship with Egypt went a bit awkward at that time. The current Minister for Magic back then was furious at the fact that a Clementine was killed whilst doing her job in another country, it almost resulted in a cold war. It was their parents that insisted nothing be done, the perpetrator was caught and that was enough for them.

Alice had been so young. She was only 18, not even reaching her twenties yet.

She never did get to see the niece that she begged to be named after her.

"How about you name her Alix, with an 'x' instead of 'ce' at the end?"

William couldn't bear to see even his daughter during her birthday, as that was the day that Alice had died.

When Alix was old enough to understand why he goes missing during her birthdays, she stated, "I don't want to celebrate my birthdays anymore, dad, so please let me join you when you visit her" his daughter was very mature for her age, it almost broke him to see how understanding she could be. And that it was her who had comforted him rather than him comforting her. William was really pathetic as a father and he doesn't think for a second that he deserved to have a daughter as wonderful as Alix and Althea are.

Waren Clementine was the youngest of the sons, and the closest to their sister, Alice. He was loyal and was the one who followed William around when they were young like a little puppy so it came as no surprise when he showed up in front of their manor after going missing for a few hours with a Cerberus pup beside him. After graduating from Hogwarts, he became a magizoologist and apprenticed under Newt Scamander himself who was unable to refuse because their families were allies. When Alice died, Waren had been in Africa with his mentor, he immediately came back to Britain when he heard the news, William hadn't forgotten the expression he had when he saw Alice's casket. It looked as if he was staring at his nightmare and he wanted to wake up. Alice was Waren's favourite sibling, there was no doubt in that. He spoiled her the most and was the most protective of her. Being the one closest to Alice's age, they were like twins. Her death was a nightmare that William thought their family would never recover from.

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