Chapter 10: The sorcerer's stone

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Quidditch season came and Alix was finally left alone after being under Anthony and Sue's watchful eyes for a few weeks. They had barely left her alone after she came back to their dormitories that Samhain night. Samhain was also canceled because the Slytherins didn't want to take any chances since they still were not sure that Hogwarts was very safe. Sue had been very disappointed about the bad news but Alix and Anthony promised her that she'd experience it next year.

Alix wasn't very interested in the wizarding sport very much but Draco had been very fiery especially since he was still upset about Harry Potter making it to the Gryffindor team even though he's still a 1st year. Draco had been particularly enthusiastic when the time for Slytherins against Gryffindors came. She had been pulled by Draco to the Slytherin bench. A dark green beanie was forced on her head, making her groan as she originally planned to spend time at the library before Draco found her. Blaise and Theo laughed at the Ravenclaw's silent protest. Blaise was not as interested in the game like Draco was but still came to support his house. Theo screamed, covered in dark green and silver from head to toe like Draco was-who was always wearing green, quidditch match or not- he was clearly there to watch and enjoy the game.

Alix sighed before clapping her hands politely as madam Hooch blew on the whistle, signaling the start of the game. Mina yawned beside her, already looking bored as the students around her stared openly, a huge space was drawn around for the Zouwu as they were too scared to get closer than 4 feet. Draco screamed, yes, he screamed, his voice went few octaves high, on Alix's other side, Blaise and Theo were on Draco's side, with Theo screaming along and Blaise waving a Slytherins banner.

In the middle of the game, after Gryffindor and Slytherin were tied, Harry Potter had finally caught sight of the golden snitch. When the young boy moved to catch it, Alix saw how he lost control of his broom, making him almost fall as he lost his hold on the broom with his other hand. Harry clutched at the broom tightly, eyeing the ground beneath him, he was probably 20 feet high above the ground. Alix eyed the struggling Gryffindor with confusion as she felt that something wasn't right. Alix looked to the staff to see if they're planning on helping Harry when she noticed Snape muttering, his eyes focused and unblinking at Harry's direction and at first, Alix thought her Godfather was cursing Harry and though she knew about his specific hate for the young Potter, Alix would never have expected Snape to want him dead. She was about to lose respect for her Godfather when she noticed another professor doing the same and all of a sudden, Alix instantly realized what was going on.

Quirrell was doing the same as Snape, muttering under his breath as he focused his gaze on Harry, and if people noticed, they would surely put the blame on Snape as he's easy to hate and because he openly expressed his bias against the young Gryffindor, but Alix knew better. She knew Snape wasn't the one cursing Harry, rather, Snape was probably trying to save him. The reason why Alix was confident was that, despite the fact that she knew her uncle hates Harry Potter, she was also aware that Snape would never wish harm upon a child. Snape didn't stoop that low, or else, her parents would surely never have made him her godfather.

Quirrell, however, had no motives that Alix could think of. Why was he trying to harm Harry? Alix knew something was off with him and his exaggerated stutter. She reminds herself to tell her father about what had happened. William would surely do something about him seeing how protective he was of children. Her father was a respected man, after all, Alix hoped that he would be able to get rid of Quirrell. He was useless at teaching especially since he kept stuttering intentionally, Alix thinks he might be purposefully trying to sabotage the children's education and she simply couldn't have that.

All of the sudden, Snape's robes caught on fire, making him lose focus as well as Quirrell which returned Harry's control of his broom. Gryffindor won the match when Harry vomited the golden snitch. The Gryffindors screamed with pride whilst the Slytherins booed at them, earning glares from the nearest Gryffindors. Alix laughs when Draco and Theo rolled their eyes at the lions with Blaise laughing along.

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