Chapter 16: The Burrow

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Alix had very much enjoyed her summer vacation. She went flying with her sister, Althea on top of the dragon, Eryl since the dragon had grown so much (just as expected of a Horntail) during the start of the holidays. She went to the Malfoys sometime in the summer as she had always done even when she hadn't attended Hogwarts yet.

She had also visited the Burrow when summer had almost ended. She had accompanied the twins with their experiment with a new prank that they wanted to try once they get back to Hogwarts. Alix was surprised to see Harry Potter as well when she visited the Weasleys, but she really shouldn't have been, given how everyone knows of the friendly relationship between the Potters and the Weasleys, as both were strictly light families. She thought she would be a bother to the Lord and Lady of the Weasley family but they seem to like their house filled with lots of visitors, especially Molly Weasley who had been most welcoming when her mother apparated her to the Burrow.

Fred and George had toured her a bit inside their lopsided house which Alix thinks was odd that Draco kept calling it small. The Burrow was a really tall, lopsided, building. It was like a few houses stacked on top of each other with magic barely able to hold it up. Nevertheless, Alix liked the atmosphere that the house gives. Clearly, Draco had never seen the Burrow before if he keeps calling it small. Because it really was anything but small.

Alix had been told by the twins that William Arthur 'Bill' Weasley and Charles 'Charlie' Weasley, their older brother, had left the house after they graduated, with the oldest Bill, becoming a curse breaker-which Alix was looking into with great interest-and Charlie, being a dragonologist in Romania. She had heard of Charlie from her father during one of their breakfast conversations so she was a bit familiar with him and his magnificent work with Dragons.

Percy Ignatius 'Perce' Weasley was the eldest one in the house, he was a sixth year Gryffindor prefect which the twins had emphasized with her as they threw into bursts of giggles. Alix huffed at their silliness when they told her about the time when they caught their brother in front of the mirror when he had been made prefect last year, smiling to himself as he wore the badge on his pyjamas.

Alix helped the twins during her week-long stay in the Burrow with household chores that they needed to do. Molly was adamant that she relax, and let the twins do it themselves, but Alix's stubbornness won in the end. She told the Lady of the Weasley house that she wanted to help de-gnome the gardens, as she was experienced in helping her mother around their own gardens as well. Eventually, Molly let her help with a grateful smile. The twins snickered behind her back when they saw the fond expression on their mother's face.

Ginevra Weasley, or as she liked to be called, Ginny, was the youngest of the Weasleys, as well as the only girl. Which explains the slight protectiveness of her older brothers when it came to her. Alix slept with Ginny, as Molly simply refused to let her sleep with the twins as it was deemed inappropriate which Alix didn't mind. As much as she loved the twins, she wouldn't be comfortable sleeping with them.

Ginny's room was painted in baby pink which Alix adored, as her own room was pink-themed as well, whilst hers was in a different shade, she still appreciated it. Ginny had a poster of a quidditch player that Alix doesn't recognize at all and another poster of the Weird Sisters, a popular band in wizarding Britain. She had gotten the chance to get to know the youngest Weasley when she suggested that they play exploding snaps before they went to bed, making the 11-year-old redhead exhausted by the time they needed to sleep. Alix was reminded of her own little sister with Ginny and made mental notes to bring her along some time when she visits the Burrow again.

Since Mina, the Zouwu familiar could barely fit if she were to sleep in Ginny's room, they had agreed to let her sleep in the living room instead, and although it was a little cramped, Mina told her she would manage, which Alix was greatly surprised about, she had expected the beast to complain, as she was quite famous for being a spoilt brat. But nevertheless, Alix was grateful for her patience.

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