Chapter 7: 1st day of classes

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"Vault 713? That's the vault my father and I went to!" Alix slowly turned her head behind her as she had recognized the voice to be Harry Potter's. She tried her best to be inconspicuous and it seemed to work when no one paid her any mind. Harry doesn't notice anything as he was also facing his back on Alix.

Alix raised an eyebrow, Harry Potter and James Potter were the ones who had emptied vault 713? What was in the vault? It turns out, Alix wasn't the only curious one.

"Did you know what was in the vault?" a girl who Alix recognized as Hermione Granger, the one she had met on the train, asked.

"My father was very vague about it. Only said that it was for Headmaster Dumbledore" Harry replied and Alix was barely able to stop herself from gasping.

"What did it look like?" a boy asked. Alix was able to see a hint of red hair when she turned her head to the staff table. It must have been Ronald Weasley.

"It was inside some sort of pouch. About the size of my palm" what Harry had said made her even more confident that it was the Sorcerer's stone. So James Potter was tasked by Dumbledore to take the stone from the vault. Then that means Dumbledore must've sensed that someone was going to try and steal it from Gringotts! After that, he asked Hagrid who had a Cerberus to guard the stone, placing it under a trapdoor which Alix assumed to reach the underground part of the school. Now, the only thing Alix was curious about was who exactly was trying to steal the stone? And why the hell did Dumbledore thought it to be a good idea to place it inside a school full of kids! Even if Hogwarts was the safest place in wizarding Britain, it was a foolish idea.

Alix almost wanted to cackle loudly with how amusing everything was. Maybe she will let herself release all of her pent-up laughter when she's alone or else people would start questioning her sanity if she did it with everyone present. She got back to eating when Professor Flitwick approached their table, with a bunch of paper in his hands.

"1st years, may I acquire your attention for a moment?" Alix turned to him along with others.

Flitwick raised the papers in his hands. "This is your timetables, it has your weekly schedule in it, what time your classes are, what day, and which house you're taking it with. Now, since you're still not familiar with the ways around Hogwarts, the prefects will take turns in guiding you until you can do it yourselves. I expect you all to follow your timetables accordingly, do you understand?" he explained calmly.

"Yes, professor" the 1st years chorused.

Flitwick's eyes shone with delight. He walked towards Anthony who was nearest to him and gave him his timetable. Alix got her next and she took the time to read it while their head of house distributed the rest.

Alix sighed with relief as she looks at her schedule. Her schedule as a 1st year was pretty light, thank merlin. That means she had lots of time to roam around the castle and search for secret passageways like she had first intended before Dumbledore made her curious about the 3rd floor corridor.

Alix was particularly looking forward to potions as she wanted to see how her Uncle Severus teaches his class. Her mother had told her that Severus was ruthless to students. Alix thought about teasing her godfather here and then to see if she could get him to give her detention just so she could tease him more. Alix giggled at the thought. Oh, how fun it was to tease her godfather.

Breakfast ended and it was time for their classes, Alix and the other Ravenclaws had to return to their house to fetch their bags. Alix grabbed her brown leather bookbag by its strap. She could attach a body strap to it but Alix preferred to hand carry her bag. It was medium-sized and was easy to carry, she didn't have to worry about running out of space either as it was expandable like her trunk, although the inside wasn't as big. Alix had a matching one with Draco and their names were engraved on the bottom left of the bag.

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