Chapter 1: our captain

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"shit... He got us" the green haired man groaned

"Where... Are we?" The orange haired woman now questioned while holding her aching head as she starts to look around

"It seems to be a village, it's also full of windmills" the tall dark haired woman stated with her hand holding her chin as she looks at all the small houses and windmills

"This place kind of looks like my hometown... But with windmills..." The long nosed man said as he also looks at the surroundings, while dusting his yellow pants.

"This is supeerrr weird" the robotic large blue haired man said as he does his signature pose.

"Yohohoho, this is definitely weird. I am having goosebumps! Not that I have skin to begin with, YOHOHOHO!" the skeleton man joked and laughed

"Nami-swan!~ Robin-chwan~ are you both okay?~" The blonde man asked with heart eyes, as he sways at the women's sides.

"You're so noisy... Shut up, love cook!" The green haired man yelled at the blonde

"What you said, Mosshead?!" The blonde argued back as the two men started bickering which turned into a full fight.

"Hey Sanji! Zoro! Stop fighting!" The small little reindeer attempted, as he tries to stop the fight between the men.

"Oy, you two should stop fighting, we're gonna get a lot of attention if you don't" The big blue skinned fishman warned, as he looks around, to see if they are indeed getting attention.

"But this idiot mosshead started it!"

"This swaying lovecook started it!"

"Nobody cares!" The orange haired woman yelled as she punches the two men's head, making both of them fall to the ground. The one full of shame and pain, while the other one is flattered and blushing.

As the pirate crew, continues to talk aloud and fight about some unnecessary stuff, also quite making a mess already. A woman was already walking up to them, stumbling a bit along the way, cause of the fear that the pirates might get angry at her. She tries her best to try and get their attention.

"Ahmmm... Excuse me, are you all perhaps... Pirates?" The dark green haired woman stuttered, asked, finally gathered the attention of the messy and loud pirate crew.

The crew looks at her, surprised, cause someone saw them when they are suppose to be hiding. But, shock and confusion suddenly took over them as they think about the lady's question again.

"Oh, Hi there miss, but could you tell us, where we are? We are sort of lost..." The tall dark haired woman asked with a smile, making sure that she is friendly and won't scare the other lady.

The tall woman, wondered a bit why the woman doesn't even know them and hasn't been reporting them to others immediately in first glance, but she guess that the lady still doesn't know what they look like in real life, and probably doesn't recognize them, yet still looks at her with an unnoticed confused look as she stares at her.

"Ahh~ such a beautiful lady!" The skeleton asked while appearing immediately in front of the lady, causing for her to flinch in fear. I mean, its not everyday you get to see an alive skeleton, let alone complimenting you. "May I see your panties?" The skeleton asked while leaning on the woman's face a bit, replacing the fear in her face, into a blushing one.

"No she wont!!" The orange haired woman yelled at the skeleton, then smacking him right at the head, revealing a bump coming out.

"I'm so sorry miss, this friend of ours is just really messy!" The orange haired woman said as she places her hand on her chest proudly, while her other hand holds the afro of the skeleton who is just laying flat on the floor.

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