Ch28: Visitation

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I was wide awake, terrified, and completely alone in the middle of the night.

My own bed was a coffin, locking my corpse in place as layers of tormenting voices buried me alive. Was this my descent into Hell? Was this my punishment for being a bad human?

Was it the caffeine and all those sodas I drank tonight with Alya? Or was I seriously being haunted? I didn't touch the Eel Miraculous, so it couldn't be that. I put it away and will never open it again. Yet my torture persisted.

Unsure of what to do, I turned on my pink lamp, cocooned myself in blankets, and turned on Wonderous. Maybe Butterfly and White Tiger could save me from my own mind. They weren't real, yet they had gotten me through some of the hardest times in my life. Funny how two-dimensional characters - just a bunch of artfully crafted lines - became my greatest comfort and ease to my fear and loneliness. Like back then, maybe they could help me now. My friends. The ones who never leave me.

I played the episode where White Tiger went over to Butterfly's house after she confessed that she loved him to protect her secret identity. He had to meet her parents and was faced with very awkward conversations. In the end, Butterfly's dad became under the main villain, Bird Brain's control. The heroes had to work together to free him. I'd seen this episode at least five other times, but that didn't diminish my current enjoyment.

I chuckled at the funny dialogue, trying to laugh away the fear. Despite the repetitive nature of every episode, I was eager to see where the series was going. Although, I felt extremely annoyed that White Tiger couldn't figure out who Butterfly was. If he was smart and could see past the one percent of her face covered in a mask, all their romance issues would be solved. But then the show would be over and I definitely didn't want that. So I'd just have to settle for dense characters.

After four episodes, I still felt a rock in the pit of my stomach. Something was wrong, but I didn't know what it was. Usually, TV was a successful distraction. Then why was I feeling -

"Childish," A scoffing voice said beside me.


I screamed, tumbling out of my warm bed, my body still woven in a blanket as I met my painful fate on the wooden floor.

The shadow of a man loomed over me, a hand reaching towards me.

Even worse than a monster.

My stomachs twisted and my imagination filled with terrible thoughts. Was he going to kidnap me? Or maybe he was a serial killer. Yes, definitely a killer.

Two orbs of neon green blinded my eyes as a wave of moonlight surged into my room. Green eyes. Black shadow. Chat Noir.

I felt both relief and terror at the same time. What was Chat doing in my room and what did he want? Why would he come in the middle of the night? Whatever it was, surely it couldn't be good. What if he was actually the villain Alya theorized he was? For my sake, I hoped she was wrong.

I fumbled to my feet, flailing my arms as I attempted to balance myself against my dizzying head and shaking body.

"How'd you get into my room?" I asked, taking slow steps away from him as my eyes searched for an object I could potentially throw.

"The window."

"My windows are locked."

"Yes, they were," he said with a wink.

When he stepped closer, I held out my fists, unable to locate any "weapon" I could use. Regardless of what happened, transforming into Ladybug wasn't an option. Not in front of him. I'd have to be pathetically weak and clumsy Marinette.

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