Ch36: "Drunk"

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Even if I was now free from Felix, there was still some invisible cord connecting my rib to his. Even if I hated him - even if he was a terrible person - I still needed to know he was okay. Especially after he rushed away looking as if he may faint.

So, I wandered the halls outside the gala searching for my troubled 'ex-boyfriend.' Thankfully, the gala continued on and my rushed exit didn't make too much of a scene - especially since Natalie hurried onto the orchestras' platform to give some sort of speech. I could see her glaring at me just before I made my escape. Another person on the growing list of people who hated me. Oh well.

After twenty minutes, I was unsure where to search next. Every passage ended with a curtain-draped window or a wall displaying an ugly painting. At this point, I wondered if he left and drove away in his yellow car. But then again, he looked too sick to drive - heck, he could barely walk in a straight line. That realization only frightened me more. He had to be here somewhere.

There was only one place I hadn't checked - a place I was too embarrassed to go: the Men's Restroom. I had no choice now. If he wasn't in there, I was going to lose it.

I stood outside the marble entrance of the bathroom. There was no door, just a winding passage that prevented people from seeing in.

"Felix, are you in there?" I called, my voice echoing.

No response.

The sound of a toilet flushing bounced off the walls.

"Felix? You okay?"

I took a tiny step into the passage.

Again, the toilet flushed.

Why wasn't he answering? Clearly, he was in there. This was the only available restroom and there was nowhere else he could be. So, I imagined the worst - Felix bent over the toilet bowl, vomiting his guts out. What if he was too weak to move? Or what if he was missing the toilet? What if he had passed out? If he was sick, I would help him clean up his mess and rub his back as he vomited. If he was passed out, I needed to call an ambulance. Either way, he needed me.

"I'm coming in," I announced. I gave him a minute to protest in case he was indecent, but I heard no reply. Taking a deep breath, I mentally prepared myself for what I was about to see.

Here we go.

I rushed down the winding bend before meeting two searing yellow eyes.

I screamed, frozen in place despite wanting to run more than anything in the world. Regret. So much regret.

Bob Roth was standing at the urinal doing his business. Why was this man everywhere?

His face turned red as he zipped up his suit pants and turned himself away from me. Thankfully, I didn't see anything - but still, this was so incredibly humiliating. I glanced away and stared at my heels. I could just leave, but I felt like I at least needed to apologize, otherwise, it would be even more awkward should I see him again.

"This is the men's room," he said quickly. I could hear the toilet flush again. It was the urinal at the end of the row that seemed to be malfunctioning - flushing for no reason. So, the very reason for coming in here was a fake-out.

"I'm sorry! I thought you were Felix," I said, peeking up at him now that he was washing his hands at the fancy black sink.

"So you barged in?" He questioned, a vein in his neck bulging.

"Yes?" I hesitated.

"You need to calm down, Little Girl," he nervously laughed, as soap bubbles fizzed between his palms.

My Boss is Felix: Alternative Miraculous Ladybug TaleWhere stories live. Discover now