Ch42: Lonely Together

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Was it normal to be sad on Christmas Eve?

After all the craziness with Luka's coma and losing both the necklace and Eel, I had a full week off for Christmas break much to my dismay.

It was pure torture - an entire week to bask in the weight of all my mistakes as I lounged around my room. The best part was putting up the Christmas tree with my parents, since that at least gave me a task. The week was otherwise boring - no akuma attacks and no action to keep my mind busy.

Alya didn't want to hang out for understandable reasons and Luka was moved to the ICU unit after having a sudden drop in heart rate. Even though he was stabilized, visitors besides family were forbidden (including Alya).

It didn't help that season 3 of Wonderous, (my emotional support show), ended terribly with White Tiger moving on from Butterfly. It wasn't fair! Life was hard enough, why couldn't the show creator, Tim Auston, just give me the happy ending I deserved? Why did I have to wait another full year before getting any kind of resolution?

To top it all off, I didn't hear from Felix since break started - he had my number and could easily call or text me. I debated on if I should go to his apartment and give him his Christmas present. I wondered what he was going to do for the holidays. Would he go over to his fathers? Or would he isolate himself?

I sighed - why did everything in life have to be so sad? Christmas was the season of happiness and cheer, yet all I felt was sorrow and loneliness. I couldn't get out of bed. I was so exhausted from doing nothing. For hours and days, I laid in despair - crying on and off - with no appetite.

After fours days into my break, my misery was annoyingly interrupted by a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked. My voice was coarse and sounded as if I was choking. That's right. These were the first words of the day.

"Marinette. This is Natalie."

I sat up straight in bed and fixed my hair (even though it's not like she could see me).

"Oh, Natalie! Hi! Umm...sorry I really wasn't expecting you," I said, clearing my throat.

"Yes, I do apologize for the unexpected nature of this call, but I wanted to ask you a favor."

"Yes, anything!" I said, hoping I didn't sound too eager. But I need some purpose to get out of bed and put on actual clothes that weren't Felix's.

"I'm aware that today is Christmas Eve and you probably want to spend it with your family. But I was hoping you'd come over to the Agreste mansion for an early dinner. Don't worry, we'll have you home for your family before seven."

"Oh. Umm."

Technically I was free. Mom and Dad were catering a party and wouldn't be home until 11pm (we always had a mini-Christmas Eve present opening at midnight so I didn't feel I'd be missing anything).

"I should be free," I said, trying to sound calm.

"I'm very glad," she said.

"Is this like a work thing?"

"If that's what you'd like to consider it than sure."

"What should I wear?"

"I recommend something semi-formal."

After talking logistics with Natalie and hanging up, I felt a little better. At least I wouldn't have to spend most of Christmas Eve waiting for my parents to get home.

I wondered how many people would be at this "semi-formal dinner." Would other interns be there too? Was Alya invited? Would Felix come? Should I bring Felix's present?

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