Ch2: Felix Agreste

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"I have to warn you. He's a little...," Natalie paused, nodding and smiling at some employees as we passed by their desks, "Particular."

"What does that mean?" I swallowed hard.

Natalie walked quickly. It was hard for me to keep up in my dumb heels. As a result, my legs had to work overtime, causing me to sound out of breath.

"Well," she hesitated as we reached the elevator, "Let's just say four employees in your role resigned after the first week."

"You mean, they quit?"

"Correct," she said robotically.


"As I said. He's particular."

Natalie pressed the 12th-floor button, which was the highest level of the building. That was where Gabriel Agreste - the CEO of the company - had his office as well as other high-end employees. My hand instinctively entered my mouth as I nibbled on my acrylic nail.

Wasn't elevator music supposed to be soothing? I found it only intensifying my fears as I wondered who the person I'd be a secretary to was. Obviously, it wouldn't be Gabriel Agreste, since Natalie said it was an intern. Wait a minute...did Natalie even tell me who it was or had I missed it? Why hadn't I thought to ask in the first place?

"Mrs. Nata - I mean - Natalie, who is this other intern dude - I mean boy...well...guy...he's a know?"

Crap. Even time I tried to sound professional, I flopped. My face felt as if it were burning.

"Oh. That's right. I must have forgotten to say," She pressed her glasses to her nose, "his name is Felix."

She stared at me as if she expected a negative reaction.

"Felix...what's his last name?"

Her eyes widened.

The doors opened.

"Agreste," she said.

Felix...Agreste. Gabriel Agreste's son? Yes. Of course. There was no one else with that last name. This was good. Really good! Felix had a direct line of communication with Mr. Agreste. What better way to get my designs into this company? This would be "networking" at its finest.

A wide grin appeared on my face. It probably looked weird, but I couldn't stop smiling. She glanced back at me as she guided me down a hallway with large pictures of models wearing the Agreste brand at runway shows.

"You haven't met him before, have you?"

"No. This will be my first," I said, attempting to contain my energy.

There was something in her eyes that seemed worried as if she knew something I didn't. Maybe because he was "particular" she feared we wouldn't get along? I wasn't sure what her use of that word was supposed to mean.

But I would find out. Right now.

"Here we are," she said, stopping in front of a tinted glass door that read Felix Agreste.

I could tell that this office was going to look nothing like Natalie's.

"I'm going to head in and talk to him first. Stay right here. I'll come to get you."

Why did her behavior remind me of a trainer at the zoo telling a visitor to "stay back" as they handled a dangerous animal? That's what came to my mind at least.

"Okay," I said.

Natalie gently tapped on the glass, "Sir? May I come in?"

No answer.

My Boss is Felix: Alternative Miraculous Ladybug TaleWhere stories live. Discover now