Ch10: Inheritly

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"That was low key traumatizing," Alya said, before biting into a cheeseburger. Cheese and ketchup oozed down her fingers.

"Well, at least now we can drown ourselves in comfort food," I said, shoving a salty fry into my mouth.

After the Akuma attack at Agreste Inc., all employees were told they could have the rest of the day off. I planned on heading to the doctors office per Felix's request, before Alya and Luka invited me to go to an American-styled burger restaurant. After such an emotionally draining experience of fully believing Felix had died, I needed to hang out with friends and distract my mind.

Now we sat in a cushioned booth near the back of the restaurant. Luka and Alya were positioned on the same side, directly across from me. It was a cute place I'd never been before. The checkered floor contrasted with the candy-apple red tables, chairs, and booths. A string of neon lights lining the ceiling reflected off the mirror walls, causing the entire room to illuminate. NASCAR, country singers, and other America icon pictures were scattered through the room.

I forced myself to eat when the food arrived. My stomach was still clenching, and my hands moved with the slightest tremble. I smiled and tried to mask how impacted I was from the attack. No one must know.

"This burger is divine," Alya said with a full mouth. After swallowing, she sucked the ketchup off each of her fingers like a popsicle. I chuckled at the slurping noises she made in doing so.

"You have a little something near you lips," Luka said, gesturing with his hand.

"I'm such a slob," she laughed, wiping with a napkin.

"It's still there. Here, I'll get it."

Luka leaned over, collected the smudge on his thumb, and then plopped it in his mouth.

Umm. What just happened?

Why did I suddenly feel like I was intruding on their time? Had I just become a third-wheel?

I noticed blush in Alya's face. Was she developing a little crush? Either way, the mood felt awkward. I needed to say something before it became unbearable to speak.

"So...umm...I don't think I asked. Where were you guys when the attack happened?" I asked.

"First floor. We were working on a promotional video. Luckily we were able to get out immediately. What about you?" Alya said, focusing her gaze on me as she angled her body away from Luka.

"The 12th."

"Wait, how did you-"

"Chat Noir saved me and Felix."

"Chat Noir?" she said, raising her brows behind her thick glasses frame.

"You know, the new hero that's dressed like a kitten, I mean."

No one laughed at my joke.

"Yeah, I saw him. Wait. So he told you his name then?"

Oh no! Now that I thought of it, Chat Noir told Ladybug, not Marinette. I took a large bite of my California burger to give myself time to think. A slice of avocado slipped past the bun and plopped back on my plate. I grasped its slimy middle and shoved it in my mouth. I could barely chew due to the fullness.

I held my hand up, signaling that I would answer after I had swallowed. Should I just own up to it and pretend Chat Noir had told me? Or should I say I learned about it from a news article? There was no doubt anything I said would end up in Alya's Ladyblog.

The lump felt like it was expanding my throat on its way down. I took a swig of my Coke to assist the process.

"Yeah. He told me," I managed to say.

My Boss is Felix: Alternative Miraculous Ladybug TaleWhere stories live. Discover now