Ch34: Savage

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Prince Charming was a lying, cheating backstabber.

I guess these are things they never tell you in romance books and princess movies. It's something us women always find out the hard way.

I hated Felix.

I hated this gala.

I hated everyone!

Why did Felix think he could stride back through the gala doors with that princess strapped to his arm? Who was she? Were they secretly together? Worst of all, why did they look like they belonged so much better than Felix and me?

As Felix guided the girl towards the center of the room, eyes followed and the Red Sea of swarming people seamlessly parted to let them through. It was as if they were the King and Queen and we were mere peasants...actually chickens might be a better term.

I sure felt like a chicken in an overcrowded coop, trying to catch a view as other chickens flapped their wings, and pushed me aside. I was clearly no one special and had to fight the crowd and crane my neck just to see past the tall frames. After much struggle, I was able to find my place between the bald heads of two short men.

Felix walked with confidence - his broad shoulders straightened back in a perfect posture. There was no doubt that he was the Alpha male in the room. Meanwhile, the girl held loosely onto Felix's arm, as her hips swayed with each graceful, small step. Light from above reflected off of silver threads embedded in her red kimono, causing her to look as if she was wearing sparkling lava.

I felt a sinking in my chest at the realization that Felix had removed his pink bow tie - the color that bound us together. His neck was now bare. Did he do it on purpose to match the girl's lava? Was this evidence of them now being together?

I drifted towards the edge of the room, near a massive pillar as I sipped on some sparkling cider. Time passed as I watched the royals chatted with some peasants from a distance. I was already on my third glass, thus proving the reason I decided not to drink. I'd no doubt become an alcoholic. Especially with these crazy men treating me like crap. Heck, even the sugar in this cider was making me feel a bit buzzed and shaky as my tummy rumbled with sickness.

The rumbling only grew worse when I saw the girl whisper something into Felix's ear. She had caressed his shoulder to get his attention and motioned for him to lower himself to her height. I bet he could feel her cherry lips moving against his skin as she whispered. Did he enjoy feeling her warm breath? Did he like the sensation of being so close to her lips? More than that, I was dying to know what the girl said. Was she asking Felix if they could go somewhere private? Or maybe she wanted...

That's it.

I quit.

Enough was enough. I couldn't take anymore. I couldn't handle this emotional rollercoaster of feeling unworthy and desperate. Why did Felix have no regard for my feelings? First he left me in a crowd of people to fend for myself and now he came in with another woman!

Why was I torturing myself? There was no purpose for me watching another woman steal who I thought was my man. I needed to escape to the restroom and think.

If Felix wanted to remain by her side for the rest of the night, then so be it. Who was I to stop the inevitable?

Que Será, Será.

Felix just better not expect me to help him retrieve the book. The mission was over. Maybe that girl could help him and if they failed they could just make out. I gagged at the thought.

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