Ch59: Gravity

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There was darkness.

One moment I was experiencing terrible pain and now I was drifting through nothingness, in complete comfort. No light or visible space. I couldn't even see my own body. Did I have one? Or had I died?

I didn't know if I should panic or accept my fate. Was I truly gone? Had Natalie stabbed through me with the thorns? Would the Eel really let that happen? A better question - would Felix really let that happen?

"Hello?" I called, surprised by the sound of my own voice. So, I did indeed have vocal chords which meant I did have a body. I just wasn't sure why I couldn't feel it.

My voice echoed and echoed as if this empty void was infinite. Was I in another dimension? Did the Eel do this to me? Where was he? Where was Natalie?

In the distance, tiny speckles of light flickered. Were they stars? Planets? Comets? Slowly, the lights grew larger, until they were the size of a human body, and surrounding me. They looked like glowing oval mirrors - so bright I could barely look at them. From what I could tell, there were an endless number of them looping around me like they were in orbit and I was their sun. No, I was the center of their universe.

Suddenly, I heard voices - echoes, laughs, cries, cheering. Were these voices coming from the mirrors? Were these mirrors actually some type of portal leading to another world? Or were they moments frozen in time? What and who was trapped inside?

The space I was floating in released me, and I fell, colliding with what felt like an ice floor - but it didn't hurt. Despite the light, I still couldn't see the ground supporting me. When I glanced down it was like my feet were hidden beneath a black puddle - yet it didn't feel like liquid - so maybe it was a steam or gas. Then again, maybe I should stop rationalizing another dimension.

I took slow steps towards one of the portals, squinting my eyes the closer I was. When I reached out to touch the surface, my hand was completely absorbed as if I'd just stuck my arm into a bucket of water. Where did it go? Before I knew it, I felt something tugging at my fingers on the other side. Then my entire body was absorbed.

I started to panic as my field of vision was blurred by light. When I opened my dazed eyes, I was confused. I was somehow above, looking down This is what I imagined an out of body experience to feel like.

There stood Marinette - dressed in my favorite high-school outfit - pink pants, a white flowered shirt, with a black cardigan. Wow. I'd almost forgotten about that - I'd dumped the outfit almost immediately after graduating high school in pursuit of an "older" look. Although, I did try to replicate it during my time at Agreste Inc. with a "business" flare. I wondered why I was seeing my high school self to begin with.

The old me stood on the edge of my room's balcony, glancing up at a full moon. She looked sad. I tried to remember this moment and recall which memory this was, but then again, there were too many times I was sad. I always used to go up there and stare at the sky when I was upset - for some reason, I felt like I was no longer alone.

Suddenly, Chat Noir leaped out of the shadows and scared Marinette half to death - she screamed, holding out her fists.

"Hush. You'll give me away," Chat said with a smirk, as he spun his legs onto the balcony.

Okay. Now I was confused. This never happened. This couldn't be a memory.

"Stop stalking me!" Marinette yelped, swatting Chat's arm.

"I'm offended you see it as such," he smirked, sticking his head way too close to hers. She shoved him away.

"I swear, I'll call Dad up and he will pound you to a pulp!" She threatened, her hands glued to her hips.

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