Ch46: Hostage

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Grey light flooded through the iced window, filtering through dirty curtains and creating warped shadows on the ground. Where was I? What happened?

When I opened my mouth to yawn, radiating pain stung my jaw. That's right. The punch. Luka's creepy behavior. Chat Noir kidnapping me! I sat myself up, placing a hand on my forehead. Dang, I had a raging headache.

I surveyed the trashed room - it looked much dirtier in the day light. Dust. Dust. And more dust. I wondered where Chat Noir went. Was he in the bathroom? Did he leave me alone?

I leaped up and rushed towards the deteriorating door. The locks were rusted and could probably be broken if I tried hard enough. I unbolted the chain and and unlocked the three locks (no need for violence). The force from my arm sent the door flying open and crashing into the wall. I flinched at the sound.

There on the other side stood a frustrated looking Chat with a two large trash bags heaved over his back. Looks like I'd have to escape another time. Oh well. It was worth the shot.

"I don't appreciate you destroying my real estate," Chat said, stepping past me and observing the large dent in the wall. It looked like a shattered windshield. Dang, I was strong.

I scoffed, "You gotta be kidding me! This place is a dump and it looks like you already did a number on the walls." I said, referencing the "artfully done" claw marks lining the place.

He shook his head in disapproval, "Were you trying to escape?"


"Good. 'Cuz there's no use. That would be impossible," he said, tossing the two large trash bags in the middle of the floor.

"What's in there? Dead bodies?" I questioned.

Chat glared, "No. Supplies. But that's a good idea."

"I hope you're joking."

He reached his hand into one of the bags and pulled out a pink hoodie, "I got you some real clothes. Since you will be here a while."

A while? I was too scared to even ask. He said I'd only have to stay here with him for the duration of my jaw's healing. How long did he intend to extend that time?

He nudged the bag towards me. I kneeled and began sorting through a lump of clothes all wadded in this black bag. Chat had gotten me T-shirts, sweat pants, socks...and...umm...

I swallowed hard, setting the undergarments aside as if I hadn't seen them. Lastly, I pulled out two casual dresses - one was a purple hoodie dress and the other was a semi-formal red dress.

"The casual clothes are for you. The dresses are for me," Chat Noir said, striding towards the kitchen section. He reached in the fridge and pulled out an energy drink.

"You like wearing dresses?" I scoffed, holding up the red dress. I didn't even want to imagine it. Oh, but I did.

"That doesn't even deserve a response," Chat said flatly, "Just wear the dresses once a week to make me happy."

I huffed, tossing the dresses aside and sending him a nasty glare.

"You're very arrogant in thinking you can kidnap me and hold me hostage. I'm technically your boss," I said.

"It's not kidnapping. It's protection," Chat emphasized, green liquid spilling out the top of his energy drink with his hand gesture.

I scoffed, examining which outfit I wanted to wear today - since he got them, I might as well. Anything beats this hospital attire. What would be the most comfortable? That was when I noticed the clothes still had the tag beeper (or at least that's what I called it). Usually, they removed these at the store after paying for the clothes. But why...unless...

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