Chapter eight

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Okay hey, y'all first of all THANK U FOR 100+ READS ahh it means the world and sorry I literally am so bad at posting this story lol if you actually want more updates from me and want to read this story properly I'm up to chapter forty-two on my insta so do head there lol however the more updated version of the story would be posted here as I'm editing the story again before posting it so if you see the story on my insta as a bit different you know why lol. Anywaysss my insta username is the same as this username, siriusly_ilovedraco okayy rants over enjoy the story and I'll try to post a lot more often on here lmao okay byeeeeeee

P.S: I kinda read that back and it kind of doesn't make sense but does so meh oh well.


I placed the apple in front of y/n noticing she was fast asleep over a huge pile of work, I read the page she was writing, it was titled, 'An explanation of the polyjuice potion.' Shit. That was due at least 4 days ago and I guess I could say it was my fault, why did I do this? 

Tracing my eyes over her face and body, I realised she had her jumper slightly raised, edging across her arm I saw a pale deep red line stream up her arm, my thoughts tossed about checking what the line was, she could be hurting herself or someone could be hurting her except why did I care? The truth was though I kind of did but it was only because I wanted to see if she was okay anyone would do that right, so I slowly lifted her sleeve higher but to my surprise, she briskly woke up, startled as she shot my arm off hers and frantically pulled her sleeve down.

"What the heck is your problem Malfoy!" She screamed as her voice tortured my heart, "is tormenting me in class not good enough for you, do you need to come and find me outside of class and inflict more pain, huh. I can't believe you, do you realise how far behind I am and look at you, you don't even care. This is my future Malfoy, MY FUTURE. Just because you get everything put out in front of you like a silver platter doesn't give you the right to make others feel like crap. You're a coward Malfoy and a right bloody idiot." Huge fat tears flooded down her face as she threw the apple at my face. "You think I'm going to eat this, you're sick, you are!" She grabbed most of her books and notes and ran out of the library, me too stunned to even say anything.

The truth was she was right, I am an idiot but I couldn't stop trying, I started to gather my senses and cleared my throat, y/n was long gone and she didn't even realise the stack of papers she left behind. I'm so fricking thick.

I gathered the papers and put them on the side of the desk she was sitting on, opening my bag, I pulled out some parchment and my quill and started writing a letter to her, it was the only way I could let her know everything and she would listen. Before lessons, I walked over to the owlery and used my owl, Newton, to send y/n her leftover papers and a little note, it was the least I could do.


Storming out of the library, I ran to my favourite place outside, it was this cherry blossom tree hidden beneath the hills that surrounded Hogwarts, no one knew it existed so I knew I wouldn't be bothered. I started stuffing all my books into my bag rubbing the tears still dripping from my face. I hated Malfoy more than ever, I felt he knew something about way to deal with things, especially on my arms but I dared not to say anything to him, I was too fed up with this world to even try. 

As I sat near the beautiful tree, still trying to calm my nerves, an owl started to approach my shivering body, I was cautious at first but realised how friendly he was and petted him leaving some miscellaneous treats I had found in my bag. He was carrying my left-over papers and a note. Malfoy. He did this. I fought with my thoughts to even read the letter and as I did the sweet owl flew away making me flinch, I had some kindness in my heart so I decided to open the letter only because he sent me my notes. Just for that reason.

"Dear Y/n,

Where do I begin? I'm sorry, god, I'm so sorry. I had no idea what I was doing to you until I realised how you looked yesterday, it was bad what I did, the shittest thing in the world and I didn't think, I so sorry, I really am, honest. Yes, I wanted to inflict pain on you back then as some stupid joke but all I did was mentally exhausted you, I'm so sorry y/n, I deserved to be yelled at by you because you are right, I am a coward.

I didn't really know what to do with the way I felt about everything and I took that out on you then I think, you took the pain I inflicted on you and put it out it on yourself. The cuts. I have to ask you, did you do them? Y/n please write me back, yell at me again, but please write back. Y/n I am so sorry, but please tell me someone should be there for you...

Draco Malfoy."

I was stunned. My theories that he knew something about health was true but was he actually apologising and trying to be there for me? Why was he apologising? Was this just a stupid dare or another trick, I swallowed my thoughts and heard a distant bell from the school. Oh shit, what was the time, shooting my arm to my face, I checked my watch quickly slapping my forehead. It was 9:00, lessons started now and I was halfway across the school grounds, I was going to be so late. Groaning, I stuffed Malfoys letter in my bag along with my books and ran to class. 

By the time I got to charms it was 9:20, I knew Professor Flitwick would let me off for being late but I hated the attention if I wasn't in class at least five minutes early I would most likely have a panic attack due to the stares and be unable to move and this time it was ten times worse, I had the stress of Malfoy on my head so I was already shaken up. 

Taking my anxiety inhaler in hand, I took two deep breaths and entered the room, I immediately felt all eyes on me, they were like daggers stabbing me, making me weaker unable to walk to my seat, everything went blurry as I heard distant noises which were most likely Professor Flitwick asking why I was late. It made it even worse that Malfoy was in this class too so he was watching me collapse with the pressure, my breathing was edging to non-existent and my thoughts screamed to me that I had to get out of here, I had no choice but to listen. I couldn't fight.

My face started to go red and then wet and I ran. God, I've never run so fast before and I couldn't deal with this, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't do anything. Collapsing in the hallway and unable to move, I sobbed, I tried to take my anxiety inhaler but I was crying and shaking so much I couldn't even open the lid. It was the worst I had ever seen my anxiety, raging its hatred at me making me unable to fight back, condensing me down and ready to suck me up.

I was still struggling to breathe and I needed the inhaler, I needed the inhaler to live but I was too weak. Slowly feeling my eyes start to shut in pain, my heart paced slower than ever, I couldn't breathe anymore and I didn't want to be here anymore. 

I stopped trying to open my inhaler and fell to the floor barely moving ready to give in to this shitty anxiety until I felt warmth hit my back delicately, then there was a hand.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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