Chapter four

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Hiya here is the next part hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think! 


I looked down at the girl falling to my feet as she started to rise up looking extremely embarrassed I felt kind of sorry for her, kind of but I was much better than her and shoved her by my shoulder noticing some scratches on her cheek probably when she fell. I carried on walking well most people said I strode but whatever, my thoughts kept coming back to the cut on her face why was it there? Was it the cobble that scratched her? It couldn't be that sharp? Was the cut already dry? Maybe it happened before? What if she did it? What if...I stopped dead in my tracks and realised how obsessive I sounded, it was disgusting she was disgusting revolting even I hated her heck I didn't even know who she was but I decided right there I hated her.


I felt so unwanted when Malfoy shoved past me not even apologising it was so embarrassing and he was so frustrating I couldn't help turning back just once though but of course, he didn't look back at all. I did notice the way he looked at my face then thought shit my cut the makeup must have rubbed off this morning, he wouldn't have said anything any way he was Malfoy, not that it mattered anyway. I tried to distract myself by buying some of my school books but it was no use. I wondered to myself why must anyone feel so much hate but love for a person, after all, Malfoy was so mysterious so untrusted wait hold on did I just say love oh my god I needed to get out of here and it didn't help when I felt panic in my chest rise and oh shit another anxiety attack, the second one today. 

Tears started to flood my eyes as I ran. Anywhere was better than here, I just kept running when I looked up and saw I was no longer in the busiest wizarding Street but in fact in a dark alley. I looked around confused then suddenly some sense knocked into me and I realised god this could be knockturn alley. 

I observed some more trying to find a way out but it was no use I was trapped and it certainly did not help matters I was wearing a red skirt with a white top. Before long I felt people surround me and touching me everywhere my thoughts rushed to the worse things I could die I could literally die right now I was panicking and it did not help. 

I was having a major panic attack and I was being closed in on. I couldn't feel the air as they started to stroke my hair and touch my bag, I wanted to die right there until a flash of blonde hair grabbed my arm and dragged me away, it was all a blur from there. 

My vision was fuzzy and all I could think about was what happened in knockturn alley, my breathing was off and I tried to control it while Malfoy yelled at me trying to see if I was okay but I couldn't respond it was too much for me so I ran again but this time to a clear opening where I could disapparate and go back to my room in the leaky cauldron.


I finally caught my breath back but was still uneasy, I find in times like these writing or art makes me calm down so I had been drawing in my sketch pad, no one sees this book because it was like my journal of hatred and horror I put all my thoughts in there and didn't show it to anyone, not a soul had seen the pages. 

It had only dawned to me that for the last couple of hours I had been drawing Malfoy and his deep eyes that were so complex to read. He actually saved my life. I didn't dare push my thoughts away this time because he saved me I would have been dead right now without him so I wrote something down it wasn't really a poem or a story but a jumbled up collection of words that seems like a jouska (that feeling you get when you think you made up a conversation or you had made up a conversation). 

I was still collecting my thoughts as I finished my writing trying to control my breathing so I could fall asleep soon I would be heading on the train tomorrow after all and I needed to be okay. I needed to be calm on the ride as this would be my fifth year. This would determine my future, my grades.


° As this takes place in the fifth year Umbridge will NOT be in this fanfic.

° The Inquisitorial Squad does not exist in this fanfic.

° I'm not too sure about DA yet and whether I'll include it but if it fits I will. Does anyone does really want it in this fanfic then please let me know :).

° Let me know if you want me to include anything extra in this fanfic. I'm open to your ideas.

° Final note THIS IS IMPORTANT the next couple of chapters (that I've planned) and the rest of the story will have mature content so please consider when reading the rest! Thank you and you have warned! 

Hope you enjoyed this part, please consider the things I have said in my side notes! :)

Breathe - A Draco Malfoy and Y/n storyWhere stories live. Discover now