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Every year on Loki's Birthday you would get him a gift that you thought he would like,

in which he did because most of the time it was just Knifes and other weapons of some sort but he always loved it.

I mean he never gave gift back to anyone but.. on your birthday he always made sure you had a gift even if it wasn't your birthday, you would wake up to him knocking at your door with a gift in hand.

You had to admit it was adorable that he tried his hardest to make sure you had a gift.

Thor had told you that he had a crush on you but you didn't really think about it, even though you had your own secret feelings for the god.

It was your birthday and you were surprised, there was no knocking , no Loki, no gift. it kinda confused you but you just went along with your day.

Everyone in the tower had wished you a happy birthday and gave you some gift, such as tony, he had gave you a new suit he designed, or Nat she gave you new training boots, but there was still no Loki.

You asked around to see if anyone had heard from the god but no one had but something felt off...

You walked to Loki's room to see if he was there, you knocked but no answer it didn't matter you still walked into the room and everyone jumped out

" Surprise Y/N " everyone yelled

There stood Loki in the middle of the room with a gift in one hand and a sign in the other that read " Y/n will you be mine?"

You ran over to Loki's arms as he picked you up and kissed you with passion.

In that moment, you knew you wanted to be with this god for as long as you lived.

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