Children again

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You and Loki had been friends since you were little, always playing pranks on each other and on Thor but needless to say he had grown a crush on you. As you both grew older that little crush had grown into love, Loki had loved you. You were both about 17 at the time when Loki made a plan. " Hey Y/n may I talk to you for a moment" Loki had asked taping on there shoulder " Yes Loki what is it?" Loki was blushing but tried not to show it " well I was wondering if you would like to go out on a ... date tonight with" Loki had said looking into your e/c in which made his stomach have butterflies.

" of course I would love too Loki" you said smiling at him and he smiled back " meet me in the garden and midnight" he took your hand in kissed it ever so softy " I hope too see you there" and he walked away . You had butterflies to say the least and could not wait for tonight.

The time came you war a green dress that made your e/c sparkle, you left your room and headed to the garden and waited for Loki .

There he was waiting just for you, sitting on a blanket looking up at the stars

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There he was waiting just for you, sitting on a blanket looking up at the stars. He turned around and saw you his eyes lit up, " Darling you look ravishing in the moonlight, please come sit down" he said and you did as he asked. You both laid back and looked at the stars " remember when we were kids and we would sit outside and look at the stars until mother came and found us" Loki had said to you turning his head to look at you.

You had laughed a little " yes I do because one time Thor scared us so bad that I jumped into your arms and you were so red of embarrassment but I thought it was sweet you caught me" you said turning your head so your eyes met , and you stared into each others gaze and in that moment you knew that you had loved him to and kissed his sweet lips just how you had imagined 100 times before hand. You both pulled away for air and Loki pulled you closer to his chest "you know I'm so glad I caught you" and you both laughed and fell asleep under the stars with Loki's embrace around you.

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