Haunted by your memory

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⚠️Infinity war spoiler⚠️- let's pretend Loki didn't die in infinity war

Loki had always been soft around you and only you, but when you passed he had shut himself out from the world, from the avengers, even Thor.

You had given your life for Loki and he still doesn't forgive himself for letting you do that. He tried so hard to save you but he couldn't.

Today was one year without you and he hadn't came out of his room.

Steve: is Loki ok? I haven't seen him, I know what today is but poor guy won't talk to no one

Thor: don't worry about him, he visiting

Loki had found a way to go back to his memory's and talk to you as if you were still alive and that is how he coped.

As he stood their staring at you talking to himself from the past, you had kissed him goodbye. This was when Thor wanted to go riding and she didn't want to go.

As my past self walked away I walked up to her when he was out of sight.

Y/n: hi love, did you forget something?

Her voice is still so sweet like it was when she was still alive. Without saying anything I pull her to my chest, her beating heart against mine makes me wish it was me who was gone.

Her lips and mine collide, still sweet and warm as I remember. It burns, it hurts, I know this just a memory but it feels so real.

Loki: I love you so much, you know that love?

Her laugh, god I love her laugh.

Y/n: of course I know that Loki, I love you too

And with that the memory as over and I was left in tears once again, wondering why it couldn't of been me.

A knock at the door pulls me together as Thor walks in

Loki: do you not know how to knock ?

Thor doesn't say anything, he hugs me and I let him

Thor: I know you went and visited her, I miss her too brother

She will always haunt my memory's and I shall visit her everyday until I'm with her once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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