Forced Marriage

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Being in Love was something alright, but being put into a forced marriage was something were Being in love wasn't a choice. You Y/n were a princess descended to marry Thor Odinson the future King of Asgard according to your father.

But when you had met him, all he had talked about was himself and nothing else, Nothing like " How are you feeling" or maybe " How is your day going" But no all he talked about was how good he was at fighting and how many beers he could down in one sitting.

He finally stopped talking when his father informed him he had to leave for a couple days on a mission, so kissed your hand and wish you fair well and he set off on whatever mission he had to go on. A maid had showed you your room and there was nothing left to do so you decided to go to the only place that would give you peace... The Palace Library.

You pushed the two golden doors open and reviled shelf's after shelf were full of all kinds books and that was your dream, you had a Library back at your palace but it was nothing like this. Once you found a book you liked you found a chair and began to read.

As you were reading you felt a Hot breath upon your neck so you turned around to a beautiful man with green eyes and amazing black hair standing behind you. " Well, Who is this wonder of a girl that's suppose to be the Bride of my Oaf of a brother doing in the library" he had said making you look into his eyes. " Well i'm glad i'm not the only one too think he's an Oaf" you said looking back down at your book.

He was took back by this but smiled " Loki" as he picked up your hand to kiss it " Y/n" you said in response smiling back at Loki.

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