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It was safe too say you were Loki's weakness, he was mean to everyone besides you , he would even stop everything for you if you needed help. He tried to keep you away from everyone he didn't trust because one wrong move he could lose you.

You had begged him to take you with him to see the grand master because you didn't want to stay in Asgard by yourself so he decided he would but he told you to hold his arm at all times and never let go.

You did as he said and held on to his arm until both of you had reached the grand master, he put you behind him and blocked you out of view, " Loki it about time you came and who's the beautiful girl behind you , i'm glad you thought about getting a slave".

Before Loki could say anything to stop you, you came out from behind loki " I AM NOT SOMEONE'S SLAVE" you yelled at the man in the chair and you regretted it. You stepped back into Loki's chest and he wrapped his arms around you and pushed you back behind him.

" Wow she may need a lesson and i'm happy to take her off your hands" The grand master said eyeing Y/n down like an animal hunting its prey, " She isn't for Sale she's mine" Loki said pulling you back from him and you tried to protest to tell them in fact you weren't a slave.

Loki placed his finger on your lips " be quiet my pet " he said out loud but in your head he said " I'm sorry darling play along" He grabbed your chin roughly and kissed you with force, after he took your hand. " So lets talk about plans" Loki said to the Grand Master, " Follow me".

You and Loki followed him into the backroom were he sat down and a bunch of girls gathered around him and started kissing on him and it made you unconformable and Loki could tell this on your face.

You stood beside Loki as he was talking, a man came up and took your hand and tried to take you over to the Grand Master thinking it was one of his girls and you pulled back, that's when the man smacked you across the face and you fell to the floor.

Loki stood up death glaring the man and picked you up and placed you on his lap kissing your cheek talking in your head asking if your ok. Meanwhile Loki had cloned himself and snapped the man's neck with one move. Loki held you close caressing your cheek " as you were saying". In his head all he could think about how he couldn't wait to get rid of the grand master and hold you and give all of his affection to you.

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