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" Kai get back here honey" you yelled for your and Loki's 5 year old son, he took after his dad always getting into mischief.

You walked down the hallways of the castle yelling for him until Loki, your husband came around the corner with Kai in hand. " Looking for someone" Loki said with a grin plastered on his face.

You walked up to Loki took Kai from his arms and kissed Loki " Yuck" Kai had said behind you both. You kissed Kai on the forehead " here's this" Loki said as he handed Kai a fake baby dagger. " Loki" you said looking at loki hiding a smile, " What , Honey we need to start him early" You laughed and you gave him back to Loki.

" Can you watch him for like maybe an hour, me and your mom are going to run to town and get some more items for Kai" You asked Loki, " Yes of course I can"

Loki said kissing you once again. With that you left with Frigga and headed to town, " Do you think they will be fine without me" you asked Frigga looking worried " They will be fine y/n"

One Hour Later

You and Frigga had arrived back from the markets and you raced upstairs to make sure they were still alive and you had found Loki sound asleep with Kai cradled in his arms.

You set your stuff down and went and set your stuff down and in which you found Thor on the floor asleep with tiny daggers in his back but still he didn't mind.

You Took out of the tiny daggers out of Thor's back and put a blanket over him and got one for Loki, you and Kai, You climbed up there with Loki and Kai and put the blanket over the three of you and snuggled in.

Loki looked over at you kissed your head " See baby I told you I could do it" and with that you all fell back asleep.

Loki One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now