Set drama

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(Time skip to a few months later)
POV Izzie
I booked a role on Cw's Arrow a month ago and today is my first day on set. I am incredibly excited because I love DC comics and I've actually met Stephen Amell at comic con but we didn't talk for too long.  When I arrive at the set of Arrow I say good bye to Lili before getting out of the car and walking into the main warehouse where I'm immediately approached by Stephen.
"Welcome to the DC universe, kiddo!" Stephen says hugging me
"thanks Steven I'm super excited to be here!" I say with a bit of a nervous smile.
"I can show you your trailer and then I'll introduce you to the rest of the cast." Stephen says "thank you so much!" I say in response. We walk through the trailers until we get to mine.
"My trailer is just a couple trailers down if you need anything." Stephen says before walking away. I walk into my trailer and drop my bag on the ground before heading to hair and makeup. When I get there a nice lady waves me over to sit down. I sit down next...OH MY GOSH CATIY LOTZ!! She's laughing and talking with her makeup artist but she soon notices that I've sat down next to her.
"Oh my gosh you must be Izzie! I'm Catiy Lotz, I play.." I cut her off totally fangirling over her
"Sara Lance, I know!! She's like the best character! It's so nice to meet you." I say with a smile.
"Oh my gosh thank you honey it's really nice to meet you too! I've seen a lot of your work like on The Fosters and oh my gosh don't even get me started on your performance on Grey's Anatomy!! You're extremely talented!" Catiy says making me blush a little. "Thank you so much you're are an amazing actress as well." I say in response. After hair, makeup,and wardrobe, Catiy and I walk back to the main warehouse together, soon enough we're about to film our first scene together. All of a sudden I feel a wave of anxiety comes over me and I start to feel like I can't breathe.
"Can I just h-have a second?" I ask the director he nods and I run outside, trying to calm myself down. I bend over and put my hands on my knees trying to steady my breathing but I can't. My breath becomes more uneven and shaky as minutes go by. All of a sudden I hear foot steps coming from behind me. Tears roll down my face and I start to feel like I'm going to pass out. I stumble backwards but luckily I'm caught by someone. It's Catiy.
"Hey Izzie you're ok I've got you. I've got you." Catiy says in a soothing tone. "I-I can't b-breathe!" I panic. My whole body is trembling and everything feels like it is closing in on me. Catiy guides me to the ground so I'm sitting in her lap. I immediately face her and wrap my arms around neck, clenching her shirt in my hands. "Ok ok it's ok, just try and match my breathing." Catiy says.
"I-I can't, I CAN'T!" I sob.
"shh shh shhhh, yes you can deep breaths, you're ok, angel." Catiy says slightly rocking back and forth. My breathing starts to return to normal and my heart beat slows down as Catiy whispers words of reassurance in my ear.
"Thats it good girl, see you're ok." Catiy says softly moving the hair out of my eyes.
"C-Catiy?" I whisper "what is it cupcake?" Catiy asks.
"T-thank you for calming me down. I don't why I freaked out." I ask
"oh my gosh don't thank me I'm here for you always, got it?" Catiy says. I nod and Catiy holds out her pinky. "Pinky promise?" Catiy asks.
"Pinky promise." I say linking my pinky with hers. Catiy gently kisses my forehead and I smile up at her. "You ready to go back in love bug?" Catiy asks wiping a few stray tears from my face.
"I think so." I say taking a deep breath. "You've got this!" Catiy says standing up and grabbing my hand. I smile and we walk back inside.
"Ok are we ready to try this?" The director asks.
"Yes." I say with a confident smile on my face.
"Alright places!" The director shouts. When we finish the scene I go to my trailer and pull out my phone to scroll through Instagram. I see multiple pictures of my friends from back in Cleveland and smile at the fact that they still do all the same things we used to do. Then I come across a photo that's a tad unsettling 

 Then I come across a photo that's a tad unsettling  @ENews!

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