Hard time

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(Time skip back in San Diego.)
Izzie was so excited to be back in the warm sun of San Diego. On the way to set that morning Izzie was smiling and looking at at the beautiful Sunrise. Once Izzie arrived at set she said good bye to Lili and Amy then skipped away.
"Hey guys." Izzie says. Everyone's heads turn towards Izzie and Cierra and Maia run over to hug their little nugget. Later on Cierra noticed that is looked extremely pale and weak, so she walked over to Izzie and got down to Izzies eye level and asked with concern
"sweetheart you ok?" Izzie nodded as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and collapsed into Cierras arms. Cierra picked her up and ran to the show runner.
"Izzie just passed out into my arms as I was talking to her!" Cierra panics the show runner immediately grabbed the phone and called Amy to meet them at the hospital. Cierra ran to Maia and they rush Izzie to the hospital. Once they got to the hospital Izzie was having a hard time breathing so Cierra franticly yelled for a doctor. The doctor looked at Izzie and knew something was very wrong. Once Izzie was put in a room Lili and Amy showed up Lili in tears and Amy just wanting to see her little girl. IVs were being quickly injected in to every inch of Izzies body. Izzies breathing has gone back to normal and was stable enough for people to come and visit. Wires, tubes, and needles were covering Izzie when the doctor came in and said why she had passed out. "She has a high fever of 103.7 degrees." Amy bursts into tears and wraps her arms around Lili. The rest of the night Izzie was unconscious until...

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