Sicknesses suck

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POV Izzie
I wake up to an intense pounding in my head. I look over at the clock that read 3:35 am. I groan and slowly slide out of bed to find Lili. "Lili?" I say slightly shaking her so she will wake up "huh, Izzie whats the matter? Why are you awake?" Lili asks "My head is hurts. It was bothering me so I came to get you I'm Sorry for waking you up." I say "come here." Lili says as she feels my forehead "Holy cow! You're burning up!" Lili says sitting up in bed "I'm going to wake up Madelaine,and you get back in bed okay?"Lili says getting out of bed. I nod and make my way back into my room. A couple minutes later Madelaine came in my room and laid down next to me "Come here." She says waving me closers so her. I move closer and lay my head on her chest "Mads?" I ask "what's up?" She replies "I don't know I just don't feel good" I whimper my head still pounding "It's ok I'll take good care of you today." Mads says running her hand across my forehead "wow Lili was right you are really warm! I'm going to grab you a cold rag for your head ok?" Mads asks. I nod as a tear trickles down my face.  I was fine until it started getting harder and harder to breathe "LILI!?" I yell in complete panic "LILI? MADELAINE?" I yell even louder. The both come rushing in "what's going on?"!" Lili asks "I..I CAN'T BREATHE LILI!" I panic tears now pouring out of my eyes. "What do you mean like your having a panic attack or what?" Lili asks "I don't! I just..I can't I..."I panic when suddenly I get the urge to throw up. I sprint to the bathroom and once I get to the toilet i immediately start vomiting "oh you poor baby!" Lili says as she holds my hair and slowly rubs circles on my back to soothe me. After about an hour I finally feel like I had nothing left to throw up. I fall limply against the wall and look at Lili with an apologetic smile. I let out a heavy sigh and Lili pulls me closer to her. "Mads come here for a sec please." Lili says in a concerned voice "feel her head please." She says "holy hell Lils!" Mads says "Lili I'm sorry your going to be late for work." I say softly "oh baby I won't be late because I'm not going to work not when your this sick,love." Lili says. "I love you Lilibug!" I say giggling "I love you to Izziebee!" Lili answers

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