⌜ twelve ⌝

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i don't update this book bc i suck at angsty lol


"Jungkook-ah! Jungkook? Are you up?"

Jungkook opened up his eyes, gaze wandering around his room while hugging his pillow during sleep. He yawned and sat up on his bed, thinking what would the time right now as he could see a bright sun staring at him from the window.


Jungkook snapped up his head at his name being called. He hissed, massaging his temples as he feels a little dizzy along with a pounding headache.

"M-mom, what are you doing?" He asked as his gaze met with his mom who was looking breathless as she used stairs to get there. A tired face, Jungkook feels bad for her. She doesn't deserve it.

"You weren't responding, so I had to check on you." She responded, opening the door of Jungkook's room so she could get in.

"You got me worried." She added, walking to Jungkook and sitting beside him. She wasn't that old yet Jungkook could see wrinkles on her beautiful face.

Jungkook's expression softened.

"Don't worry about me, mom. I'm fine-"

"You never slept for more than 8 hours and its almost afternoon." His mom pointed out, before letting out a sigh.

It's Taehyung's fault that he woke up in afternoon.

"Something wrong?" Everything.

Jungkook shook his head. His mom let out a chuckles.

"You can talk to me, alright?"

Jungkook nodded before taking off the blanket around him and crawling to his mom's embrace for a better place. He felt his mom wrapped arms around him - holding him in the warmth. Jungkook feels so drowsy in her warmth as if it was the best place to close his eyes forever. A hand was caressing his back and raking through his hair making him more sleepy like a child.

"Better, Jungkook-ah?" His mom asked, earing a soft humming from Jungkook.

"I have been feeling anxious since few days." Jungkook began. "Taehyung, I had caught him cheating on me but it was a misunderstanding but I don't know if he was saying truth or....."

Jungkook took a deep breath. "He says a lot of things which made me to re-think. But again he always distant himself from me and just disappear somewhere for hours without informing and when I ask him anything he gets annoyed or say that he was busy." He let out slowly, whatever into his head, he just poured out what he had been bottled up as his mom was the best and always listen to him, even if a matter is small. She was the only bestfriend who wouldn't stop him from ranting and let him continue until he stops.

"Nowadays, we fight more and then sort out. But it still doesn't feel right. I feel more insecure when I caught him using phone infront of me. He never look at me the way he used to, he always looks so tense and angry at everything. He only approach me when he seems calm."

Jungkook paused, hugging his mom a bit tighter.

"I love him, mom. I wants to love him more, I see myself with him in the future. I really want a future with him, I don't want anyone else. I wouldn't able to move on if something bad happens in between us."

His mom caressed his back while he kept letting out everything.

Jungkook haven't gotten proper slept for few days in his apartment. How could he able to sleep when his boyfriend suddenly wakes up at dawn and rolling away from their cuddling position just to check his phone and quickly getting back to cuddle him after texting away someone.

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