⌜ thirteen ⌝

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as i promised that I'll update this book today, so here it is. And for the next chap, do comments and vote! 💜


Taehyung hissed in frustration. Jaw clenched in annoyance as he keep redialing the same number over again and again. 

"Taehyung, we need to get back—"

"I get it. Shut up now." He snapped out, frowning as he again heard the annoying instructions to leave a voice message as they failed to connect to the number. 

"Why isn't he picking up my calls?" He mumbles under his breath, with a tone of anger, sadness and hint of worriedness. 

Yoongi raises his one eyebrow at Taehyung. Questioning his existence as he was the one who's a teacher here and Taehyung was his student (at least for now) who's telling him to shut his mouth. The freaking audacity. 

Not him whining all the time for not texting him back properly and now he's ignoring or what? God knows. Taehyung swore at himself for even thinking like that, he was intrigued and disheartened by the fact that he hadn't talked to his boyfriend for the entire 24 hours or maybe more than that. He was worried for him, thinking if he's alright or not, is his family doing well or not, or maybe he was busy spending time with his family. 

"Get back to your position, Taehyung. Or I'm afraid that I'd have to call your father here." Yoongi tried to threaten him, eyes narrowing at Taehyung who turned to him. 

"Stop being a teacher to me." He rolled his eyes, one hand loosely fell to the side as he held the gun from that hand while another hand clutched the phone. 

"So is the round head boy ignoring you?" Yoongi mocked. He knows nothing about Jungkook except for being Taehyung's boyfriend and he saw his pictures through Taehyung. 

"Shut up." He rubbed the tip of the gun against his temples in exasperation. It's getting annoying now, he couldn't leave him without saying anything. Does it hurt to inform him about his sudden absence? And does Jungkook also feel the same way when he replies to him late and sometimes doesn't even talk for more than 24 hours because of his dad who always sat over his head, instructing him or what not. 

"Leave your phone." Yoongi said sternly. Taehyung scoffed and anyways he shoved his phone into pocket. While the scowl stays over his face. 

"Jimin went on a mission. Unlike you. You haven't even shown any interest in joining them." 

Taehyung didn't say anything, just listened to him. 

"You can't dodge the responsibility of being the next leader. Y'know better than us."

He wasn't even listening to him anymore as his mind was filled with his boyfriend. What makes Jungkook stop talking to him? Did he do something and he was unaware of it?  

"So I have decided that you're going to join Jimin in the next mission." 

The sudden order snatched his attention from Jungkook to Yoongi who let out a tsk when he opened his mouth to say something. 

"Before you object and act like a brat again. You have to show Master Kim whatever you have learned from me." Yoongi snapped. "Because your behaviour has become so intolerable. And because of you, Master Kim bash at us." 

He knew about it. He knew that they get scolded by his father when he doesn't show any improvement. When he looks so careless and reckless which also proves from his previous fight against those huge dudes where he ended up in the hospital. He still has those bruises.

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