⌜ four ⌝

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The shoes squeaked against the concrete surface as the two males made their way towards the bus stop.

Clouds were hovering over their heads while sun was peeking through clouds. It was a cold weather.

"Are you gonna join me and Hoseok later?" Jungkook asked softly, glancing over Taehyung, who was on his phone texting away someone. Their fingers intertwined with each other while they were walking.

Jungkook was wearing a turtle neck baby blue sweater with white pants. Whereas, Taehyung was wearing a white hoodie with pants.

Jungkook sighed when Taehyung didn't respond to him as he seemed to be looked way too much busy. He poked Taehyung's side to grasp his attention-

"No, babe. I won't able to join you, I have some work." Taehyung replied, eyes never leaves the phone screen.

Jungkook pressed his tongue against his inner cheek and looked away from him. The street was busy, people rushing to work and to their different destiny, various vehicles on the road.

Meanwhile, Jungkook and Taehyung were standing under the small shield of bus stop, waiting for the bus to his college.

Jungkook turned back to Taehyung, he really wants to peek over Taehyung's phone screen but he hold himself from doing that.

"Who you're talking to?" He asked, finally.

Taehyung had the biggest furrow on his face. His body seems to look tensed.

"No one, just checking the news feed." Taehyung responded, sighing softly.

Jungkook looked down at his feet, a pout formed on his face. He doesn't like when someone ignore him especially when Taehyung doesn't pay any attention to him.

In a while, the bus arrived at the stop. They both get into the bus, Jungkook noticed the distant behaviour of Taehyung.

Jungkook interlocked his arm with Taehyung's, scooting closer to him on seat. He put his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"What's wrong, Tae?" Jungkook muttered, toying with Taehyung's fingers.

He heard a sigh from Taehyung before the male detached his arm from Jungkook's grasp.

"I don't want to talk about it," Taehyung said, his voice was a bit rough and harsh. Furrowed brows and looks so annoyed.

Jungkook knows the expression of Taehyung's face that states he wanted to be alone right now. He was suppressing so many emotion under that hard expression, his mind was probably clouded with solutions of that problems, like what should he do with this kind of problem.

Mumbling a small 'okay', Jungkook looked out through window. Tall buildings and stores were sprinting against the opposite direction of the bus, he blinked while staring outside the window. As the journey was small for his college from bus, they both gotten out of the bus.

"Everything will be alright." Jungkook caressed Taehyung's ear and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

Taehyung hummed softly, giving a forced smile, and whirled around to walk away from there. Going somewhere else where he can be alone for sometimes.

"I love you," Jungkook muttered under his breath, his bambi eyes stays on Taehyung's figure until the male disappears into the crowd.

Taehyung never likes to talk about what things he was going through. Even, if Jungkook asked him to open up about his feeling, sharing some of his problem to him, talk to him when he feels low. But Taehyung always assured him with a smile that he was fine and everything has been alright. However, Jungkook knows something was wrong with him.

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