⌜ three ⌝

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Taehyung and Jungkook’s head snapped at the voice. Eyes wide, mouth gaping, shallow breaths and a weird position on top of wooden cabinet.

“Oh,” Jungkook let out, his hand was placed on Taehyung’s shoulder, who was between his legs. “Uncle Dojin, g-glad to see you here.”

Dojin’s cheeks flared red as he looked away from the pair.

Jungkook furrowed his brows but doe eyes widen when he realised his position. He pushed Taehyung away and stood up properly.

“U-uncle, how you didn’t tell me that you were coming here?” Jungkook questioned and stepped towards Dojin.

Taehyung got confused because the man was unfamiliar to him. Perhaps, Jungkook forgets to mention about this Dojin guy.

“I just came to visit you. Your mom requested me to check on you.”

Taehyung saw how Jungkook’s expression changed when Dojin guy mentioned about his mom.

“How is she doing?.” Jungkook said, softly.

“Ah, she’s doing really well after the surgery. She even started to doing chaos of house, even I told her not to. She’s really a stubborn.” Dojin chuckled.

“She’s so reckless about her health.”

Jungkook pursed her lip. He led Dojin to his small living room and gestured him to sit on couch.

“Don’t worry, she’s recovering well. And she wants you to visit her again, on her birthday. You remember, right?”

“Of course, how can I forgot about her birthday? Can you sit here while I bring some drink for you?”

Dojin nodded.

Taehyung walked to the couch as well to sit but Jungkook grasped him by arm and dragged him to his kitchen.

“Kookie,” Taehyung began but paused when he saw Jungkook’s burning cheeks. “Who’s that man?”

“He’s my uncle, Tae! I’m so embarrassed now. He saw us making out, ugh!” Jungkook whined and opened a cabinet to take out the glasses.

“He didn’t say anything, don’t worry-”

Jungkook tsked. “But still, it’s embarrassing.” Jungkook cleared his throat. “He stays with my mom in Busan. He helped us so much since I was a kid. Remember I told you about an angel who came into my life, right? He’s the one who helped us during our financial crisis. He’s like a father figure to me, even though I don’t have a father.” He mumbled the last. He placed those glasses on kitchen’s island.

“I’m your father, what are you saying?” Taehyung pouted, he wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s waist from behind. He mewled in pain when Jungkook elbowed him.

“Shut up!”

Jungkook poured the orange juice into glasses and put them on tray. He whirled around, and brushed few strand of hair from Taehyung’s forehand and then fixed the collar of shirt–

“What are you doing?” Taehyung asked, as he was confused.

“Be yourself in front of my uncle.” Jungkook brushed off some invisible dust from Taehyung’s shoulder and turned to pick up the tray.

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